Its time for me to step up my supplements. Ive been off and on creatine, hmb, zma, and protein for a year. I take a multivitamin everyday and im 18 years old 5'9" 175. I want to get bigger and faster at the same time. Was thiking about winstrol but it stays in your system for too long. So after doing research and talkign to people i found out about 1-AD and 4-AD. I think im going to cycle these 2 but need to know a few things..
1. Gains are said to be similar to winstrol, will 1-ad and 4-ad help out with my speed and quickness if i work on it by making stretching often and by doing speed and quickness related drills and lifts.
2. Weight gain is said to be minimal with these 2, i was interested in gaining about 15 lbs and being abotu 190 but still being able to run under 4.5 like i do now.
3. I run a 4.5 flat on grass with cleats on, i need to get down to a low 4.4 or high 4.3. I do a series of pool related drills along with speed ladder and olympic lifts like power lifting... WIll 1-ad and 4-ad help me reach my goals faster?
THanks in advance guys.