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Thread: Blood clots.

  1. #1
    sentricyphen is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Blood clots.

    I have a protein-S defiicency, and thus, am at high risk of DVT, and general hyper-coagulation.
    I have already had a pulmonary embolism, actually. So now I take cummadin to thin my blood, and get regular pro-times done.

    What kind anabolics exist that do not change clotting factors, such that it will not thin/thicken the blood (ie something that will not excessively increase or decrease RBC)

    Any help/links are much appreciated. I am on a dead end on this one, and this is the fourth board I have turned to.

  2. #2
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    i'm an md myself and i would highly highly recommend that you stay away from AS if you have protein s deficiency. all AS affect red cell production, clotting factors, etc.


  3. #3
    sentricyphen is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Thanks for the reply.

    Hmmm... That's not what I wanted to hear

    There isn't a single drug that would be compatible with my situation? I am just finding that hard to believe.

  4. #4
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    i guess if you have a lot of $$$ you can run just about everything and get a PT, PTT, INR, and clotting time done every couple of days to see how they're being affected and adjust your coumadin accordingly... sounds like a huge hassle and the only safe thing i can think of.


  5. #5
    toolman is offline Banned
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by sentricyphen
    Thanks for the reply.

    Hmmm... That's not what I wanted to hear

    There isn't a single drug that would be compatible with my situation? I am just finding that hard to believe.
    AAS work so well because they increase your RBC production, among many other things. Stay natural as nothing is worth a stroke or coronary.

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