OK im gonna post another revised cycle since i couldn't get me responses from the last post. Im really looking for some opinions bro's. You guys have always came through before. Let see what u guys got.
1-4 Liquid Anadrol-50mg a day. More or Less?
1-12 Deca 200- 2x week= 400mg a week
1-12 Test Enanthate 250-2x week= 500mg a week
Now the question pops up should i run clen during this cycle to keep down on the body fat? I understand this is a bulking cycle but would the clen keep down on some of the bloat? and Fat gain? Just an idea. Or should i wait until the cycle is over and run the clen. Thats what im thinking. If i maintain a fairly strict diet during this cycle gains should be expected to be high. any input is greatly appreciated. thanks