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  1. #1
    viking muscle is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Me+Steroids= Impotence!! Help!

    When using roids, i almost immediately become in effective in the sex department!! I mean Limp mania here!!! Like a 68 year old man!

    I've used Viagra and it sorta worked but my desire also cuts out too, yes this is on test too!! So has anyone got any decent info on anything for libido and hard-ons??? What drugs are there?

    heard of Tribulas and tongkat ali, yohimbe, etc, do any of these ACTUALLY work or are there any more stronger and efficient existence?

    Any help appreciated.

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    How's your sex drive off of a cycle?........... If you're running test in your cycles then there shouldn't be any problems.

    Tribulus will help but I don't think much....... You could add Proviron to your cycles this should help out the sex drive a lot.

  3. #3
    viking muscle is offline New Member
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    My drive is average ya know nothing extreme, but have sex atleast 3 or 4(diary permitting ) times a week with my missus. But yeah when on test, or any roid i shutdown in week 2, week 3. Majorly.

    So do you recomend proviron then? What effects does that have on the function

  4. #4
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by viking muscle
    When using roids, i almost immediately become in effective in the sex department!! I mean Limp mania here!!! Like a 68 year old man!

    I've used Vi*gra and it sorta worked but my desire also cuts out too, yes this is on test too!! So has anyone got any decent info on anything for libido and hard-ons??? What drugs are there?

    heard of Tribulas and tongkat ali, yohimbe, etc, do any of these ACTUALLY work or are there any more stronger and efficient existence?

    Any help appreciated.
    You don't have to run to drugs to solve every problem. Sometimes there are other issues.

    I don't think people realize how supremely important diet is to your results on a cycle AND to your results in the bedroom (or on the kitchen counter, or in an elevator, or in a hospital utility closet, or where ever you choose to have sex).

    Here are some things to consider:

    1. First, I suggest that you list the steroids you've been using so we can take a look at it and discuss it. List the entire cycle. You may have stacked your steroids poorly.
    2. It's common, even on testosterone -only cycles, to experience a decrease in sex drive or to experience a decreased ability to maintain a completely firm erection while on cycle.
    3. If you're having problems, consider your diet. When you take steroids on a poor diet, you could be causing your self sexual difficulty. If you increase your calories (especially protein and complex carbs) then you might see a miraculous change in your sexual drive.
    4. Make sure that you have not limited your fats to unhealthily low levels. You still need to eat an adequate amount of fats to ensure that the body properly functions. Make sure you're eating the good fats (stay away from saturated fats).
    5. REST/Overtraining. If you are not resting properly or you have overtrained, your body can definitely respond by reducing your sex drive or by taking away your ability to maintain an erection. Do a search on overtraining to learn more abou it. A person on steroids does not always realize s/he's overtraining.
    6. If after you do the above, you find you need additional help, then you should consider using Vi*gra, Levitra or Cialis (only if your doctor approves).
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 03-28-2005 at 04:46 PM.

  5. #5
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    maybe your gear is bunk..

  6. #6
    beavertrap's Avatar
    beavertrap is offline Associate Member
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    Is deca part of your cycles? Even if your running test with it, you can have problems (if test dosage is not high enough). I will personally guarantee that!!

  7. #7
    Thrower74's Avatar
    Thrower74 is offline Member
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    Cholesterol may be a problem as well the type of AAS your are on will have a big effect on sex drive.

  8. #8
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by viking muscle
    When using roids, i almost immediately become in effective in the sex department!! I mean Limp mania here!!! Like a 68 year old man!

    I've used Viagra and it sorta worked but my desire also cuts out too, yes this is on test too!! So has anyone got any decent info on anything for libido and hard-ons??? What drugs are there?

    heard of Tribulas and tongkat ali, yohimbe, etc, do any of these ACTUALLY work or are there any more stronger and efficient existence?

    Any help appreciated.
    Is testosterone one of the steroids you are using, or are you just doing tren , boldenone , deca alone?

    If you are doing testosterone alone, high doses does this to some people, if you drop your level down some the sex drive often comes back. If you are not doing testosterone (1-test doesnt count because its not really testosterone), then you need to include some in your cycle.

  9. #9
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Is testosterone one of the steroids you are using, or are you just doing tren , boldenone , deca alone?

    If you are doing testosterone alone, high doses does this to some people, if you drop your level down some the sex drive often comes back. If you are not doing testosterone (1-test doesnt count because its not really testosterone), then you need to include some in your cycle.
    Testosterone (and other steroids) at any dose can adversely affect libido and erection firmness. I'm on HRT. Although clinical trials have shown that a majority of people who require HRT experince improved sex drive and tumescence, my doctor warned me that, even at the therapeutic levels of HRT, sex drive and erection problems can occur.

    Steroids affect each person differently.

    NOTE: HRT = Hormone replacement therapy (usually involves testoterone replacement therapy, TRT)
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 10-11-2004 at 07:34 AM.

  10. #10
    Professor's Avatar
    Professor is offline New Member
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    Also don't forget the psych-out factor. Maybe the first time you were too tired, hadn't eaten enough, etc., and then freaked yourself out for subsequent libidinous activity. It wouldn't be the first time that happened.
    Also, I'm on HRT - I notice that towards the end on the half-life of the shot I get, I don't know the right word to use- less interested in the actual act, though still loving the looking and all that.

  11. #11
    viking muscle is offline New Member
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    my cycle is 500mg test enanthate per week
    300mg deca per week
    and i did first 4 weeks of dbol at 35mg

    into 5th week and yeah a total shutdown.
    Maybe some of you are right about the psychology of it all, could be a key factor... Whenever i finish PCT im fine, its just throughout cycle. I might just be a unique case but i was hoping someone else had experienced the same thing and effectively overcome it.

    My diets really good as it is when im off cycle too. i think mainly my desire cuts out when im on roids so sex is last thing on my mind, but my missus still wants it!!

  12. #12
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by viking muscle
    my cycle is 500mg test enanthate per week
    300mg deca per week
    and i did first 4 weeks of dbol at 35mg

    into 5th week and yeah a total shutdown.
    Maybe some of you are right about the psychology of it all, could be a key factor... Whenever i finish PCT im fine, its just throughout cycle. I might just be a unique case but i was hoping someone else had experienced the same thing and effectively overcome it.

    My diets really good as it is when im off cycle too. i think mainly my desire cuts out when im on roids so sex is last thing on my mind, but my missus still wants it!!
    I bet you the problem is you should just drop the deca, or else you have good deca and the testosterone enanthate is underdosed or fake. Some people do have an adverse effect from testosterone but the vast majority see dramatically improved libido. Since deca is involved, you are probably more sensative to deca then most and even all that test cannot overpower the "deca dick effect" of deca.

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