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Thread: Dbol cycle

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Dbol cycle

    I was wondering if it is ok to take Dbol alone, w/o stacking it with anything? Will you still get results? and if so is their a specific cycle that you would suggest to take it alone, other than the preferred 3-6 tabs a day?

  2. #2
    Dbol alone, while not as efficient if used in part with a cycle, will still put some weight on ya, especially if you have little or no experienece with gear. But if ya dont know what your doing, you will CRASH coming off cycle. Throw in an injectable or two, it makes things go so much smoother... Dbol stacks with just about anything. And you will need clomid, unless you like having testicles the size of peas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    what do you mean crash at the end what do I need to do to avoid this i'm going to be taking milk thistle during the cycle and 3 tabs per day and tribulus at the end of the cycle should that be cool, all advice appreciated!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Don't take d-bol alone. You will like it for a while, until you crash after the cycle and lose too much. Stack it with something like test. Use a good anti-e as well like Liquidex (I love that stuff).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    meaning once you come off the dbol your body will be low on natural test and you will start to lose your gains. Tribulus is okay but i recomend you get your hands on some clomid. Dbol will give you a lot of water retention so if you dont want to lose all your gains i suggest you cycle it with another test. start some clomid around 1-2 weeks before the end of your cycle

  6. #6
    Dont take an all Dbol cycle, it is selling yourself short, you will lose everything. You should definently stack it with a test, and deca. Make sure you have clomid for post cycle too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    Originally posted by Shogun97
    what do you mean crash at the end what do I need to do to avoid this i'm going to be taking milk thistle during the cycle and 3 tabs per day and tribulus at the end of the cycle should that be cool, all advice appreciated!!!
    crash means three to four weeks of losing weight and strength almost every day, and not feeling like working out because everything is so heavy. none of the so called natural test. boosters are strong enough or work fast enough to stop this. read about clomid on the board, that is what you want. 3 tabs of dbol only is not going to give you much.

  8. #8
    OMG you did not just say your taking Trib. after your cycle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    yeah samoth he did, its ok back in the day when i listened to Bill phillips i thought you should take tribulus after you came off a cycle too but then you realize it doesnt do jack shit except get you horny find some clomid or hcg

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    is there anything else that is available otc that will work for me considering the small amount i'm going to be using only 3 tabs a day because I can't seem to get my hands on the clomid or hcg


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    To tell you the truth go pick up some Zinc i swear that shit always boosts my test take it with trib and you sould be ok. But clomid is still king.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Forget the D-bol! Why would you want to take a drug that will aromatize, elevate your liver enzymes, and make you retain water. When you're done what have you got? Maybe 10 % of your gains....maybe. D-bol alone is nothing but temporary! What are you trying to accomplish?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    i would really recomend dbol with sus. take dbol for the first 4 weeks while starting that sus. it will give you good gains, and you will keep good amount of it. don't forget the clomid afterwards. and have some nolvadex on hand incase of gyno. and 3-4 tabs are really nothing, all your doin is throwing away dbol tabs. DBOL works best when it's equally spread. take them every 2.5 - 3.5 hours apart, and taking five 5mg tabs a day is good. use it to just start your sus. as sus will start takin affect in 3-4 weeks after your first shot. good luck. and don't do dbol by itself. it's a quick way to get kinda big, but then when your off, your SOL. in that case if you stacked with sus, when your done with the dbol, that sus will come in and hit you, and the power and gaines will continue.

    think BIG, eat BIG, GET BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Q: Can you recommend a safe and effective oral-only stack / cycle?

    A: The short answer is: No. While some users do report making and keeping limited gains on oral-only cycles, the vast majority find it to be a waste of time and money.

    Oral steroids have limited usefulness due to the fact than most are moderately-to-highly liver toxic, so you can take only take limited amounts for a limited time. The oral steroids that are know for mass building such as Dianabol and Anadrol will put on a lot of mass in a short time, but a large percentage of those gains will often be lost once the steroid is discontinued, leaving you with minimal to no gains and a thinner wallet to boot! Winny and Anavar won’t build much size but add strength and definition however; the results they produce can often be retained once the drugs are continued.

    Oral steroids are useful tools. Orals steroids are usually stacked with injectable steroids to bring out certain muscle qualities.

    If you are serious about using steroids to gain AND KEEP muscle, get used to the idea of using injectable steroids. Injectable steroids are safer and more effective in the long term.

    For a good thread on oral-only cycles click here and here.

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