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Thread: steroid testing experiences.....

  1. #1

    steroid testing experiences.....

    I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge on the best way to clean up your system to pass a steroid test after a cycle has just been completed? Has anyone had any experience with this? I know lots of running to boost metabolism and tons of water. Any supplements I can take? I was on a cycle of prop and winstrol (injected). Not too worried about the prop. I know thats out in three weeks. But the winstrol may cause a problem. I was unexpectedly offered a job and will have to take a drug test. I will be starting PCT in 3 days. 50 mg clomid and 20 mg nolva ED for three weeks (will that cause problems). There is about 75% chance this agency WILL test for steroids. The test could take place in as little as three weeks to 6 weeks. Any info would be appreciated. I did do some searching around and found a few interesting tid bits. The use of dirutics and such. But any other info or experiences would be appreciated. thank you. I know many of your are going to want to say steroid tests costs too much, they won't do one. But there is a better than average chance this organization will test for at the very least elevated test levels, or possibly specific steroid types.
    Last edited by Georgie; 10-11-2004 at 10:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    the stanozolol will be out of your system a week after the prop is. the drug test you will recieve is also most likely a urine test and any sort of gear your running wont be detected.urine tests only tests for recreation drugs such as weed/etc etc. unlss your gonna work for the FBI or the NFL or some sort, you dont need to worry any on a blood test.

    oh ya, and if your still looking to 'flush out' the roids bro, you'd be one hell of a genius, because everyone in the NCAA/MBL/every other sports league will no doubt be calling you every day and night and maybe even send theyre family to murder you for it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    the stanozolol will be out of your system a week after the prop is. the drug test you will recieve is also most likely a urine test and any sort of gear your running wont be detected.urine tests only tests for recreation drugs such as weed/etc etc. unlss your gonna work for the FBI or the NFL or some sort, you dont need to worry any on a blood test.
    That is absolutely not true. In college I was an NCAA drug tested athlete (which tested mainly for steroids). They always took urine, never blood. There are even new hair follicle tests that can test for AS. As for the winstrol being out in a month.... not true eithier. Most steroid web sites have posted in their detection tables: injectable stanozolol 2-3 months. This information is out dated. I have hear horror stories from athletes being tested positive for winny 6-8 months after use. Are you just making things up here? IMO you are way off base here bro. Any scientific facts, studies, journals, anything to back up your, IMO, silly claims?
    Last edited by Georgie; 10-11-2004 at 10:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    Most steroid web sites have posted in their detection tables: injectable stanozolol 2-3 months. This information is out dated. I have hear horror stories from athletes being tested positive for winny 6-8 months after use.
    ok if you say so.

    i would like to see proof also of gear beeing detected in a urine test. ive taken atleast 4 urine tests and never had any sort of problem.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    ok if you say so.

    i would like to see proof also of gear beeing detected in a urine test. ive taken atleast 4 urine tests and never had any sort of problem.
    Here take a look at the detction times posted right on the main page of this bored for winstrol.


    This info is outdated for modern tests. And I think what you might be getting confused with is that the piss tests you had probably did not test for steroids. You probably had your basic run of the mill cocaine, THC, meth, etc piss test. But there are piss tests designed to test for steroids. They don't usually test for all steroids because there is such a wide range. But they will test for specific metabolites of the popular ones. ie winstrol. Dude, you can test for the metabolites of almost anything in piss. I can't believe you are even arguing this. In my searching around on this subject I came across a thread where you tried to tell someone else the same thing and 10 different people told you that you were wrong.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Montreal (Canada eh!)


    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    That is absolutely not true. In college I was an NCAA drug tested athlete (which tested mainly for steroids). They always took urine, never blood. There are even new hair follicle tests that can test for AS. As for the winstrol being out in a month.... not true eithier. Most steroid web sites have posted in their detection tables: injectable stanozolol 2-3 months. This information is out dated. I have hear horror stories from athletes being tested positive for winny 6-8 months after use. Are you just making things up here? IMO you are way off base here bro. Any scientific facts, studies, journals, anything to back up your, IMO, silly claims?
    Bro why ask the question and then when some bro trying to help you out comes along and gives you an answer you argue with him.

    IMO that is just f*cking stupid... if you knew the answer already then dont ask!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    ok if you say so.

    i would like to see proof also of gear beeing detected in a urine test. ive taken atleast 4 urine tests and never had any sort of problem.

    gear can be detected by a urine test, it is just really expensive. the NCAA uses urine samples to test for anabolics.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    Bro why ask the question and then when some bro trying to help you out comes along and gives you an answer you argue with him.

    IMO that is just f*cking stupid... if you knew the answer already then dont ask!
    1) I don't know the answer to my question

    2) However, I know enough to know the load of crap that "bro" said is garabge. So he is not helping out, just spreading around ridiculous information.

    3) Its not "****ing stupid" to refute false claims in search of information pertaining to my question.

    4) One should always have some background knowledge in order to ask intelligent questions so that when some guy who has no idea what he is talking about comes along and feeds you a line of crap, you will know not to listen

    5) But hey, you already thought about all this before you opened your mouth, didn't you. O' wait you didn't. IMO thats ****ing stupid.
    Last edited by Georgie; 10-12-2004 at 07:16 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dirty South
    as a professional athlete i can tell you from experience....STEROIDS CAN BE DETECTED IN A URINE TEST!!!!!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by big swoll
    as a professional athlete i can tell you from experience....STEROIDS CAN BE DETECTED IN A URINE TEST!!!!!
    what kind of athlete? cuz if thats you in the picture, its sure isn't football. J/k, seriously though any tricks you guys use in the month prior to a test?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    do a search there is a good article on this by enidsprinter it covers the basics

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bigordie
    do a search there is a good article on this by enidsprinter it covers the basics
    Thank you, yes I have already read that article. However, whats up with that guy? It seemed like everyone was always getting down on his info. And I saw that he was banned.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    im not sure why he was banned, but he did come out with some off the wall comments from time to time. the thread concerning ncaa testing procedures and ways around them is a good source of info though

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Never done winny but as far as I have researched it it's a min. of 2-3 months to be out of the system. Apparently it likes to linger in fat cells, and the more fat you carry the longer it stays. Again can't quote anything, but I did read that as it was a concern of mine.

    I have also 'heard' that it can be out of your system in as little as 6 weeks.

    Either way, read up on this site as to how to pass drug tests, which is on the main page, and just do all that you can. When you get close to the time for the test, have a blood test by a dr, testing for those elements you need to pass. Then you will know for sure. Dr's don't tell on you, it's dr/patient privilege, so consult with him and get the test of your own if you really want to know. It might cost you, but ask yourself is this job worth it?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by tubbytank
    Never done winny but as far as I have researched it it's a min. of 2-3 months to be out of the system. Apparently it likes to linger in fat cells, and the more fat you carry the longer it stays. Again can't quote anything, but I did read that as it was a concern of mine.

    I have also 'heard' that it can be out of your system in as little as 6 weeks.

    Either way, read up on this site as to how to pass drug tests, which is on the main page, and just do all that you can. When you get close to the time for the test, have a blood test by a dr, testing for those elements you need to pass. Then you will know for sure. Dr's don't tell on you, it's dr/patient privilege, so consult with him and get the test of your own if you really want to know. It might cost you, but ask yourself is this job worth it?
    Yes you are right medical information is private, however, some organizations will request an authorization form allowing them to obtain your medical records as a condition of employment. ie Fire Department

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    stan TABS are out of your system in a few weeks, stan taken IM will linger in there for a few months, next time specify what you say and watch who you call an idiot.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    stan TABS are out of your system in a few weeks, stan taken IM will linger in there for a few months, next time specify what you say and watch who you call an idiot.

    Man bro, you just keep digging your self deeper and deeper. Try reading the thread. Its says winstrol (injected). Nice try. And look, more people telling you just how wrong you are about the urine. hmmm just like the thread I found where you tried to pass along the same false info about steriods only being detected in blood to some other guy. You must be one of those guys who is always right and everyone else in the world is wrong. Look man, just admit you were wrong and move on. Nobody said anything about stan tabs. And I really don't recall calling you an idiot. Only that you were wrong and spreading false info, which is 100% true. Don't put words in my mouth. I have been around the game for along time. I know better to specify winstrol injected or orally consumed, and I did. Try reading, and you were soo wrong about about the urine, not just the detection time. geez, nice try though.
    Last edited by Georgie; 10-12-2004 at 08:47 PM.

  19. #19
    bump for anyone with info or personal experience

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Montreal (Canada eh!)


    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    1) I don't know the answer to my question

    2) However, I know enough to know the load of crap that "bro" said is garabge. So he is not helping out, just spreading around ridiculous information.

    3) Its not "****ing stupid" to refute false claims in search of information pertaining to my question.

    4) One should always have some background knowledge in order to ask intelligent questions so that when some guy who has no idea what he is talking about comes along and feeds you a line of crap, you will know not to listen

    5) But hey, you already thought about all this before you opened your mouth, didn't you. O' wait you didn't. IMO thats ****ing stupid.
    Hey bro I know he is wrong about the urine analysis thing I know they can be detected in it... and about the detection times who knows not every peron is the same and it all depends on what test they do on you...

    My point was he was trying to help you dont turn around and flame him for trying to help... if you gonna be like that dont expect allot of replies to ur threads... f*ck it, im not gonna argue with you it just childish

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