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Thread: to cut or not

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    usa/the south

    to cut or not

    i have been all naturall for 10 years and will compete this fall. would like to know start a cycle. my question is do i need to cut first without a bulk cycle first.
    1 am 43 years old, wt-262lbs , bft 11% , 6ft tall. i have tried to stay closer to 10-9% but would like to get down to 4%.
    i have not messured lately so i do not have any other stats than i am a 36 inch waiste.
    i workout 5 days a week and have kick up my cardio to 45min 4-times a week. cal was at 5000 now going to 4000.
    any help will be thankful.

  2. #2
    what ru trying ask??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Personally your BF is okay, I think you should bulk then cut. I mean if you had a higher BF I would be concerned.. However, with that base, (you sound like you ahve a good base), it all depends on what you want. I personally would do a cycle similar to this:
    Sus250 8 weeks 250-500 weekly
    Winny 6 weeks 50 mg ED
    EQ 400-600 8 weeks

    It all depends on what your goals are. This cycle will put mass on you as well as keep water rentention down and put on some hard muscle if you train and eat correctly.
    Remember this is a basic cycle, for a beginner, the EQ however, is kinda tough for a beginner, due to the fact that you have to inject it EOD. you can replace with deca and you will probally get really good gains. Don't forget Nolv and clomid post cycle..
    Good luck.. Just my opinion is all.. Hope this helps..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    usa/the south
    i undersand usually you first do a bulk cycl then a cut. i was afraid of putting on more weight being that i did not want to get too big. i was hoping to compete at around 225-230. if at 262 then doing a bulk cycle are you looking at around 275 , then cutting back down.? plus while doing gear i pick up my protein which in turn would run my cal up to around 5500-6000cal.
    i have been in nutrition for 21 years so i am ok on that.

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