I just finished a 10 week cycle of eq600mg, and 400 mg of test enth, im goin to hit up the clomid 2 weeks after my last shot. I got huge gains from this, my bench jumped from 260 to 340 and my squats did close to the same. i started at 190- and i m leveling off now at bout 200. my bf dropped a lil to bout 17%. I was plannin on hittin a cuttin cycle at the end of may. I was thinkin something like this. primo 300mg week 10 weeks, eq 600mg week 10 weeks, winn orally 50 mg a day for the last 7 weeks, clomid at the end. Anyone try that fina home conversion method that was in the eduactional threads, cause i wanted to add some of that with maybe a lil test as a back bone to get just a lil more size. Any feedback would be huge. oh yea i ve been liftin for 8 yrs now and this would be my 4th cycle. i train HARD about 5-6 days a week. and i would be watchin my calories to about 1600-1800 per day. Thanks