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Thread: newbe starting first cycle need vets help thanks

  1. #1

    newbe starting first cycle need vets help thanks

    im new and this is what im looking at please help me fine tune things
    fina1-10 150 once aweek or should i do 50mg eod
    cyp 3-12 200
    deca 5-14 200ml

    then planning a cutting cycle .and how long should i wait after bulking cycle.
    fina1-4 150
    fina5-8 225
    winny 2-8 150
    should i split my winny and fina doses to evry other day
    and help would be greatly appr.
    only able to get clomid . and how much per day .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If this is your first cycle, just use the test and deca. 400 mg test and 400 mg deca for 10 weeks. Also, time on = time off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Just like Arthur said!

  4. #4
    i agree with arthur ane excess on this one bro,
    keep it simple for a while test /deca is a nice cycle,get some dbol and add 30-50 mg ed for wk 1-4.
    leave the tren for a while,until you develop a tolerance to the basic gear,plus it should be run everyday and sticking youself ed isnt a nice thing (well except some crazy bastards)hehe
    ooops sorry you were asking for a vets opinion,sorry disreguard my post
    Last edited by 4plates; 03-10-2002 at 03:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    the cycle you outlined is pretty much a 16 week cycle. too long.

    keep it simple like the others said.

    cyp 400mg 1-8
    deca 300mg 1-8
    dbol or winny 25mg ed 3-10
    clomid 100mg-50mg-50mg 11-13

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    the cycle you outlined is pretty much a 16 week cycle. too long.

    keep it simple like the others said.

    cyp 400mg 1-8
    deca 300mg 1-8
    dbol or winny 25mg ed 3-10
    clomid 100mg-50mg-50mg 11-13
    bro i dont recomend dbol for 7 wk even at low doses like 25 mg,and i feel it should be done in the first 4 wks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    Originally posted by 4plates

    bro i dont recomend dbol for 7 wk even at low doses like 25 mg,and i feel it should be done in the first 4 wks
    i prefer to have the dbol at the end when i can take advantage of the synergy between dbol and deca, 2 steroids working both inside and outside of the nucleus. dbol at the beginning is nice too for a kickstart, but i feel that this is almost using dbol alone.

    low dose for 7 wks may be too much for some. my liver can handle this amount better than it can handle a higher dose for a short period of time, so that's why i'm recommending the longer lower dosed cycle, but i realize this may not be for everyone, so the best thing is to always keep tabs on the blood samples.

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