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Thread: using steroids over 40?

  1. #1

    Question using steroids over 40?

    hi all,...newbie to this forum!!...a question to ask, so's to get different opinions....ive been out of training for a time and have just started back..i am now 40!!!...i understand that i need to train for at least a yr or two b4 i can even consider it...but would it be safe for someone, in there 40's to use steroids? i am looking to train again long term , so am curious as and when the time may arise!!..many thanks for your views on niceguy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I am curious to the answers here there are some good guys on this site over 40. I am 44 and I am just finishing up my first cycle in 10 years. I think if you are prudent and cycle and do PCT properly you will have no problems. In fact I think it is beneficial. Just read a lot and do reasonable cycles. I did an unreasonable cycle and I feel and look great. One thing I notice is that my temper is not affected as much as it was in my early 30's. That may be becuase I have less natural test. or it may be that I got bette stuff back then.
    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Man I hope it is safe, I am 49 and half way through my first cycle of have put on 8 lbs so far and I feel fantastic. Everybody is noticing the change. I wish I had done this sh!t years ago.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by niceguy2702
    hi all,...newbie to this forum!!...a question to ask, so's to get different opinions....ive been out of training for a time and have just started back..i am now 40!!!...i understand that i need to train for at least a yr or two b4 i can even consider it...but would it be safe for someone, in there 40's to use steroids? i am looking to train again long term , so am curious as and when the time may arise!!..many thanks for your views on niceguy
    If you've been off a long time, then you need to "condition" your tendons... in otherwords steroids radically strengthen your large parts of muscles but not very much for the tendons and narrow areas your muscles connect to bones. This needs advanced training before you begin high doses of testosterone et al.

    You can start taking testosterone boosters, tongkat ali is probably the most effective, tribulus is the next most effective. This can increase your natural testosterone so that it assists in your return to training but these herbals will not take you above normal/high range of testosterone so that you dont get dispurportionate growth that causes you to injur yourself.

    Actually in your 40's, because your natural testosterone levels are probably 15% of what they were when you were 18 years old, you'd probably LOVE being on steroids, makes you feel younger, stronger, horny like you were 18 again, etc but while you are returning to training, limit yourself to tongkat ali or if you do get steroids, limit yourself to about 150 mg a week or 1/2 CC.

    If you are planning to do steroids, do understand that steriod pills damage your liver and health badly. Injected steroids cause much less or almost no damage to your organs, so this is why so many prefer to use the steroids that require the use of a needle.

    The other thing you have to pay attention to in your 40's is improper use of steroids (too much) and agressive use of anti-estrogen converting drugs can cause you to have terrible cholesterol and trigliceride levels that wont be good as you move towards 50 and beyond. High cholesterol is the #1 cause of heart attacks and is more dangerous to have then smoking cigarettes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Great info NTPA......
    I am 40 and am on my second cycle in the last year. I feel GREAT, my wife
    and kisd are amazed at my look, attitude and general sense of well being.
    I trained for a year and a half hard to get my tendons and ligaments in shape to handle. I am on moderate doses and like has been said before here
    feel almost no aggressive sides. On my current cycle I have had the night sweats which I have NEVER had before and am currently a walking hard-on.
    Which is AWESOME I feel like I'm 19...........
    So, I am happy as hell with the gear at this point......JMO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Bro there are many over 40 juicing as you can see. What I would do while you're getting you 2 years in, is go to your Doc and have a hormone panel done, you may get a script for test.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMondodondo
    Great info NTPA......
    I am 40 and am on my second cycle in the last year. I feel GREAT, my wife
    and kisd are amazed at my look, attitude and general sense of well being.
    I trained for a year and a half hard to get my tendons and ligaments in shape to handle. I am on moderate doses and like has been said before here
    feel almost no aggressive sides. On my current cycle I have had the night sweats which I have NEVER had before and am currently a walking hard-on.
    Which is AWESOME I feel like I'm 19...........
    So, I am happy as hell with the gear at this point......JMO
    Sucks when you have to time off or go off cycle. Luckily in between cycles you can get your test levels back up nice and high.

    A couple years ago I had a physical and doctor did a hormone lab. I had HRT/TRT qualifying levels of testosterone, and the doctor said two things I can do, I can go on TRT or try out a promising herbal called tongkat ali and this is where I first heard of this. At the time the idea of using a needle was a complete turn off so I took his suggestion with tongkat. Later I did notice much improved growth in my muscles but never had my test levels determined at that time while on tongkat but my libido had come back substantially and away when the other problems I was having like lethargy, depression, etc. Anyways during this time I warmed up to the idea of using test and dropped the tongkat and started doing real steroid cycles. But during the time off, I went back to tongkat to assist in my recoveries.

    Well this is the point. Two years ago I had blood testosterone levels below 230 with 250 being the point that qualifies HRT/TRT. In the past 12 months, I spent 10 of those months on steroid cycles, I timed off in mid August and went back on the tongkat ali, my post cycle recovery was outstanding, zero testosterone lasted only 3 days, was getting horny again ended clomid, etc, around Oct 1st I am only on tongkat ali (red kat pills) and go for another physical with hormone labs, testosterone level is over 900, doctor that suggested I go on tongkat ali is even shocked that tongkat was responsible for such a dramatic increase in my blood testosterone and I didnt even admit that this was post cycle and that I had actually been completely shut down on heavy steroid cycles over the past year. Actually thats one hell of a super recovery to be for one, already HRT/TRT needing before I ever did a steroid cycle, and then just 1 month after last injection and restarting tongkat to have my natural levels go to such high levels at my age of 39 years.

    To make long story short, include some tongkat ali in your PCT's!
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 10-13-2004 at 12:29 PM.

  8. #8
    thanks everyone for your response...its all good news understand the amount of work befor even considering taking am now gonna get down to it. Cant wait to feel like a 19 yr old again.....god help my g/f!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Just my 2C...I'm now 49....4th cycle.....Get the support muscles/tendons in shape first (as mentioned above). That is very important advice. Test use and eventially Test stacks can allow impressive strength gains so you want your joints and tendons to be ready.

    Actually, I think we have the most to gain from Test use because of naturally lower levels. Be smart and ask questions. Study. Stay away from orals or do short cycles, ie. 4wks D-Bol to jump start a Test cycle.

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