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Well I know time on = time off with 17aa's And I only have a 2wk off period between the compunds but I figure with lots of water and milk thistle I will be ok, especially since I won't be cycling on again for a while after this one. I really don't like the idea of ED injects which is why I don't want to go with prop. So that being said, how does this look?
Wks1-10 Test enathate or Cypionate @ 600mg/wk
Wks1-9 Deca-durabolin @ 400mg/wk
Wks1-4 D-Bol tabs @ 40mg ED
Wks6-12 Winstrol Oral @ 50mg ED
**have any of you ever used 2 17aa's in a cycle, I know its not the best thing to do, but I know many people have done it with good results? Reason I don't want to inject as little as possible is cause I've got so many little scars already. Thanks guys for the quick responses.