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Thread: Anavar cycle

  1. #1

    Anavar cycle

    thought i had my next cycle pretty much planned out but i now have a much greater supply of liquid anavar, was gonna run it 50mg ED for 8 weeks .. but i now have enough to last me for 100 days which is more then 3 months taking it at 50mg ED which seems prolonged for my liver .. so i'm thinking of taking 60 - 70mg ED for 8-9wks, i realize anavar is a pretty weak steroid so i'm figuring this shouldn't be a problem at these dosages .. but i thought i would just post and see what people have to say, and if anyone else has taken var as these dosages.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Tijuana, Mexico
    What else your running with anavar?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    You're not running anavar alone...are you...???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    60 -70 mg ed is a high dose IMO if this is your first run with var....40mgs could do the trick, but everyone is different, just make sure you take your liver supplements...

  5. #5
    yes this is going to be a var only cycle thats why the dosages are higher ... i've read enough threads on here about people that are for and against var only cycles, but some people still claim that they've gotten 10-20lb gains off var only cycles i think it just depends who u are .. i understand cycling test with it would be logical for maximum results .. but i'm also 20 yrs old and not sure i wanna start taking test or other stronger steroids untill i hit 23 or so .. also at my age i figure my testerone production is likely already higher then say someone in their 30s, i'm not looking for huge mass gains if any .. taking it more for strength then anything .. and i got the var made up pretty cheap so if i don't notice results i will just make up a light stack for next cycle.. i have done my research though and have read about every post about anavar on this forum ... was just curious peoples thoughts about these dosages because u rarely hear people using more then 50 mg... i think seeings believing so whether ur for var only cycles or not .. kinda hard to say untill u take it

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Dflood
    vascularity and pumps will be insane @ 60mg+ var well as strength.
    that dosage is also treading into risky territory in regards to HPTA shutdown, and the resulting absence of testosterone and subsequent libido disappearance. i would either run proviron or a low dosage of testosterone as a DO NOT want to lose your sex drive

    depending on YOUR goals, anavar alone can be very is extremely well suited in LBM retention during cutting, or putting on solid lean mass during bulking. also proven to accelerate visceral fat loss
    thanks for the information, that was the quality info i was looking for, i am concerned with losing my sex drive as i'm trying to keep this away from my g/f knowing that i'm juicing, but although i have no problems with injections i am concerned about bruising that comes along with it deoending on what ur taking, as it might make it obvious whats going on, i have been seriously thinking about stacking it with test but its already in the mail and don't feel like waiting another 2 weeks for the test as my var will likely be here tommorrow or monday .. i'm very excited to get started, dflood i believe it was u that posted a great thread about var was it not? ... i take it u have ran it at 60mg ED what kind of results did u gain from the cycle i know u said ur stregth and pumps went through the roof .. do u have any numbers on how much ur lifts went up, and did u notice any mass gains?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    do injections properly, and there should be very little if any bruising. Take your time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Most are disapointed with the results from var because they never run enough for it to be effective. I would run no less then 60mg ED.

    If you're worried about your sex drive then you can add 50mg of Proviron ED through the cycle or depending on your goals stack it with test. I don't see you haveing a problem with var and killing your sex drive but everyone will react differently to the same compounds.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter
    do injections properly, and there should be very little if any bruising. Take your time.
    good to know, i haven't really went in depth into researching testostrone or any other injectable for that matter .. i know test is a huge key in any cycle and i've read enough about it to know the gains and sides from it.. just read alot of people bruising from their place of injection but like u said its probably careless injections and not taking their time.. i appreciate all the information guys .. as for right now i think i'm gonna just take the var at 60mg ED for about 8-10 wks along with all the needed supplements(creatine, protein flax, vitamins, liver detox) .. although depending on surpression of my sex drive and how it effects it.. i may add test as a countermeasure. hopefully it doesn't shut me down though, i know effects are different in everyone so hopefully i'm a lucky one

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I have run 80mg ED for 10 weeks and found my strength to go thru the roof as well as vascularity and some lean muscle gain but I think that is produced by the increased workload enabled by the strength gain. I did experience some shutdown and did some mild PCT. IMO Anavar is best used in conjuction with a regular cycle and used at the end of it ( last 8 weeks ) to harden up while Test is leaving system and PCT is about to begin

  11. #11
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    i agree with powerlifter and mudman... i've taken 45mg/day alone for weeks and haven't noticed a **** thing... and yeah it's real.


  12. #12
    thanks for the input, more good responses, i do have clomid on hand, i plan on taking after my cycle probably 2wks at 100mg ED, next cycle likely run a prop/var cycle whether i like the var otherwise might switch to winny and run a prop/winny cycle.. again thanks for the comments

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by motoxer23
    thanks for the input, more good responses, i do have clomid on hand, i plan on taking after my cycle probably 2wks at 100mg ED, next cycle likely run a prop/var cycle whether i like the var otherwise might switch to winny and run a prop/winny cycle.. again thanks for the comments

    Anytime Bro

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