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Thread: Cycle Comments

  1. #1
    Huge_Pimp is offline New Member
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    Oct 2004

    Cycle Comments

    Any suggestions:

    wks 1-6 / Winstrol Depot 1cc every other day
    wks 1-6 / PrimoJect 1.5cc every 3rd day
    wks 2-5 / Cynomel 25 mcg daily / Half in AM, Half in PM
    wks 7-8 / PrimoJect 1cc every 4th day

    Diet consists of beef, chicken, salmon, turkey breast, bread, greens, pasta twice a week, non-fat milk, cranberry juice.

    Trying to get hard and drop weight around the waist. 2 weeks in, going good. How can I improve???

  2. #2
    1badcamaro's Avatar
    1badcamaro is offline Anabolic Member
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    ridin dirty
    whats your diet look like exactly, what duz your cardio/workout look like?

  3. #3
    Huge_Pimp is offline New Member
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    Oct 2004
    1/2 hour on the stepper everyday. 3 mile jog once a week (Normally takes me around 24 minutes).

    Diet Example:

    Breakfast: 2 Cups of Life Cereral with non-fat milk, glass of cranberry juice.
    Lunch: 2 turkey breast sandwichs with whole wheat bread
    Dinner: 2 grilled hamburgers low fat 90/10 with cup of green beans

    That's exactly what I had today. Normally it's like that but I rotate the kind of meat. If I feel uneasy I may have yogurt in between meals.

    6'2, 267 lbs

  4. #4
    BassMuscle's Avatar
    BassMuscle is offline Associate Member
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    I'm no expert but 3 meals a day is not enought. If you are trying to cut do at least 5 meals a day and count your calorie intake, so you'll have a good idea of what you're really eating.

    I cut up from 230 to 176 in 2 years, and keeped the weight of, by eating 6 meals a day. And a friend of mine did it in 2 months, and never could he keep it off.

    At least try to count your calories, because not eating enought calories anly slows your metabolism, and you'll end up a smaller still fat version of you.

    Just my 2 cents


  5. #5
    Huge_Pimp is offline New Member
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    Oct 2004

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