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Thread: 2nd cycle want to get BIG, help!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Exclamation 2nd cycle want to get BIG, help!!!!

    I Just Fineshed Up My First cycle ever, 8 Weeks Of Sustonan 250, About 2 Weeks In I Stacked With Testaserona 50 (propinate) I Have About 2 Weeks Of That Left, sust is done .I Dont Know What To Take Next, Im A Little Disapointed Though Maybe I Expected To Much, I Put On About8/12 Lbs Of Muscle, Got Alot Harder Muscle,and Alot Stronger But Didnt Get The Size Or Bulk I Wanted, So What I Want To Know Is What Should I Take Next, Im Thinking And A Few Friends Said Oral D Bol,maybe stacked with sust 250, all i want is to get HUGE, Any Help Or Input Would Be Very Apreciated, Stay Safe Ladys And Gents

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by shysti
    I Just Fineshed Up My First cycle ever, 8 Weeks Of Sustonan 250, About 2 Weeks In I Stacked With Testaserona 50 (propinate) I Have About 2 Weeks Of That Left, sust is done .I Dont Know What To Take Next, Im A Little Disapointed Though Maybe I Expected To Much, I Put On About8/12 Lbs Of Muscle, Got Alot Harder Muscle,and Alot Stronger But Didnt Get The Size Or Bulk I Wanted, So What I Want To Know Is What Should I Take Next, Im Thinking And A Few Friends Said Oral D Bol,maybe stacked with sust 250, all i want is to get HUGE, Any Help Or Input Would Be Very Apreciated, Stay Safe Ladys And Gents
    Sustanon is not the best, too hard to keep your blood concentration levels stable. I say go with Test Enanthate or Cypionate at 500mg/wk and deca at 300-400mg/wk. Maybe some D-bol the first 4 weeks of that. I have done this same cycle and got a lot of MASS out of it. I think you would be happy, plus it is a lot less injections than if you used sust. Just my .02, hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    1) how old are you?

    2) what are your stats? height/weight, etc...

    3) what other cycles have you done in the past?

    4) why did you decide to take a cycle of steroids without fully researching your options beforehand?

    post up that info and the guys here will be better able to help you bro...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Maybe your diet sucked thats why you didnt get gains like you wanted?

    Do you have clomid and nolvadex for post cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Im with AandF6969. If you did an entire cycle and only gained either 8 or 12 pounds (what ever that was) there is little chance you gained very much muscle. Anyone will gain 10 pounds of Pump (water) during a cycle. And that wouldnt even be considered bloated.

    Tell us what your BF% is and we can tell you how to eat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    fist off thanks to all who replied to this, im 31yrs young 5"10 225 16% BFM. this is my very first cycle, i have worked out a few years now, i eat a ton of protien, chicken,fish,tuna, steak, beef, every day.I eat my vegies too,and alot of times i will take some whey shakes,dont eat **** foods like candys and sugar at all,so i think the diet is ok,but i am very open to sugestions. if any thing is bad in the diet i probally dont eat enough carbs. i thought i researched before hand, but aparantly not good enough,again this is my fisrt cycle so i will be the first to admit im lost. i do have clomid from a friend. and deca was a though as well as finiplex (spelling) not sure lol, thanks again guys

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The amount of protein you consume is not a problem. The amount of calories you consume is what determines if you gain weight. You should of had no problem gaining 25 pounds from test alone. Next cycle go with test and deca and increase your total calories.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Exclamation What should I get from doing this....

    I have bee working out for 4 years. I am now 20 years old. I weighed about 150 and I can bench 250 when I was at my best. I got down to about 147 when I quit lifting regularly. my bench max went down to 230. I started taking test. enanthate 200mg. 1.25 cc per week. I have been on them for about 6 weeks and while I have been taking them I have been working out very hard like I did when I was at my best. I have also been eating more then I did when I was at 147lbs. right now I am at 156lbs. benching 250 again and my size doesn't look any bigger then I have ever been. I don't think that the roids are workin, maybe they are fake.

    If they are fake then if I bought them in a ampoule instead of a multi-injection bottle would I be more likely to get the real stuff. and if so how does a ampule work.
    that is a lot of questions, and I would be happy if someone knew the answers to all of them.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Planet Vegeta


    *I dont thing 200mg of test is enough. JMO read up on it
    * Also you probably are not eating enough.
    * Post the picture of the steroids in the steroid pics to see if they are legit.
    Again JMO

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I am eating more then I did when I weighed 150 and benched 250. how many mg do you think i shoudl take then? I mainly wanna build mass cause I already have the cuts. I need bigger arms. mine look pretty good but only when I flex. people would never know that I even lifted unless I told them or took my shirt off.
    Last edited by jo150; 10-16-2004 at 02:13 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    my e mail is [email protected] if anyone wants to e mail any help.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    i got decca 300 last night, and he has TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE,(said it was like t4) is that true?and would this be a good stack,and probally 1 more most likly d-bol but having trouble getting it, so any other ideas on the 3rd substance ,what do u think guys

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    In the woods
    sounds like you don't know your steroids, research some more then come back with a planned out cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by shysti
    i got decca 300 last night, and he has TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE,(said it was like t4) is that true?and would this be a good stack,and probally 1 more most likly d-bol but having trouble getting it, so any other ideas on the 3rd substance ,what do u think guys

  14. #14
    Stack King of the Hill = Enanthate and Deca.
    According to your stats, i'd say start at 600mg Enan and ramp accordingly until you reach your goal in 250mg increments. When you stop seeing gains, you'll know it's time to up it a notch.
    Run deca steady at 400mg's/wk.

    Keep nolv's on hand in case on gyno.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I have decided on my next cycle i actually have it now, im going to start today.i have the test ent, and decca 300, my question is how many times a week should i shoot these and do i do them together or split them up? i know im going to take 3/400mg of decca and not sure on how much ent, thanks for any help....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by shysti
    I have decided on my next cycle i actually have it now, im going to start today.i have the test ent, and decca 300, my question is how many times a week should i shoot these and do i do them together or split them up? i know im going to take 3/400mg of decca and not sure on how much ent, thanks for any help....
    my biggest concern is that you are just getting different substances without spending some time researching and planning a good plan. you already started taking this stuff and you dont even know how much to take, when to take it. its ppl like you who give other ppl a bad name cause you will take roids and have all kinds of problems. you will blame it on the steriods but it is really your own fault for not spending the time to know how to do it properly. to many ppl turn to aas as a short cut. i can tell you that at 150lbs there is no reason you should need to juice. i dont care what you say about your diet, you are definately not eating enough. anyone should be able to naturally get to 200 or at least a solid 180. aas shouldnt be taken likely and dont expect everyone to just spoon feed you information on how to do it. you should take some time and plan it out. write down your start date, your end date, what your taking, how often to take it, pct times, substance dosages. things like that. not ok i got some test and i started taking it already and btw how much should i take and for how long with what else too. please for your own safety RESEARCH. you can find all the info you need if you read the info on the boards. look under steriod profiles, pct info, they explain good cycles for newcomers. do searchs in the steriod sections about things you are interested in. go to the diet forum and post your diet and get that fixed. figure out how many calories , proteins, carbs, fats your eating in a day. timing is important too. talk on the board and establish a plan before you just start taking the stuff. you will get such better results if you take a month or 2 to learn how to do it properly rather than jumping in head first.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by shysti
    I have decided on my next cycle i actually have it now, im going to start today.i have the test ent, and decca 300, my question is how many times a week should i shoot these and do i do them together or split them up? i know im going to take 3/400mg of decca and not sure on how much ent, thanks for any help....
    run the TestE higher than the say 500TestE / 400Deca EW . Id kinda have to agree with rugbyking though.Seems your rushing things a bit.

    do yourself a favor...goto the diet forum and plan out a real bulking diet . Everyone who comes in here thinks there eating right , if you dint gain last cycle YOU DINT EAT RIGHT.

    Do a little more research , time on = time off , before you start another cycle . And take nolva if nothing else.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jo150
    I have bee working out for 4 years. I am now 20 years old. I weighed about 150 and I can bench 250 when I was at my best. I got down to about 147 when I quit lifting regularly. my bench max went down to 230. I started taking test. enanthate 200mg. 1.25 cc per week. I have been on them for about 6 weeks and while I have been taking them I have been working out very hard like I did when I was at my best. I have also been eating more then I did when I was at 147lbs. right now I am at 156lbs. benching 250 again and my size doesn't look any bigger then I have ever been. I don't think that the roids are workin, maybe they are fake.

    If they are fake then if I bought them in a ampoule instead of a multi-injection bottle would I be more likely to get the real stuff. and if so how does a ampule work.
    that is a lot of questions, and I would be happy if someone knew the answers to all of them.

    Don't hijack the man's thread - start your own.

    It's now confusing as to whether or not the advice is directed at you or the thread starter!

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