Ok, I'm getting ready to wrap up week 5 of my prop/tren cycle. Everything is going pretty good. I'm up about 5 lbs and my body fat is down like 3-4% which i consider pretty decent results. My diet is about as clean as possible on my schedual; 7-8 meals 3 pro/carb 4-5 pro/fat. this comes out to 3500-4000 kcal per day and 350-400 g protein. Anway, i'm looking to throw a wrench into the gears here and add a little t3 that i aquired from our good friends at AR-R.
As of right now i plan on running a mix of cycleon's and mallet's theorys.
Basically i'm looking at the 5/40/55 split, but during the 5/40 portion using my bmt to determine my correct dose. After my 40 is up then ramp down from there.
I plan only running t3 for 28 - 30 days, because of both supply and i've never used before so i would like to get a feel for in on a short cycle.
Does anyone have any input?? do you feel that 28 days is sufficient to achieve modest fat loss???
thanks...as always