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  1. #1
    RAM2500's Avatar
    RAM2500 is offline Member
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    Is this over training??

    I work out 6 days a week
    Monday Chest, Tuesday Back & Shoulders, Wednesday Abs & Legs, Thursday Arms, Friday Chest, Saturday Arms, Sunday off
    I do 6 to 10 Reps and 6 sets per exercise.
    Chest I do 6 exercises
    Back & Shoulders I do 8 exercises
    Arms I do 8 Exercises
    Legs I do 6 Exercises
    Each days workout lasts 2 hours.
    When Im done im so sore that I can hardly sleep. Oh by the way Im doing a cycle of 800mg Test and 400mg of Deca weekly.
    is this over training??

  2. #2
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
    LeanMeOut is offline Community Veteran
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    One up on you
    How many times are you gona post this same thread lol...........

    Try the workout forum, I think you'll get the best replies in there bro.

    As for an answer, I would say you are overtraining. 2 hour workouts??? What do you do for 2 hours??

    Also, I would try to throw in 1 more day of rest in there, 1 day off doesn't seem to be enough for me to recover fully. I try to rest atleast 2 days every week personally.

  3. #3
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    If your BB then no, but if your just trying to get big, ya your over doing it just a little buddy!!
    2 days of rest would be good! Hard training like that does and will catch up too you!

  4. #4
    RAM2500's Avatar
    RAM2500 is offline Member
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    Is'ent Body Building the same thing as "Trying to get big" the reason I'm asking this is because im just so freekin sore.

  5. #5
    bigjohnr's Avatar
    bigjohnr is offline Associate Member
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    In the 70's & 80's many top pros trained this way and some of them still do. Are you tired, are you growing, are you getting stronger? In other words is it working? If it is not working try somethng else. ie. cut back. I personally think most body parts are better off at being hit 1 time per week with the exception of abs and calves and maybe if you have a week body part you may work that a little more and see if that help.
    good luck

  6. #6
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    That would be over training for me

  7. #7
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAM2500
    I work out 6 days a week
    Monday Chest, Tuesday Back & Shoulders, Wednesday Abs & Legs, Thursday Arms, Friday Chest, Saturday Arms, Sunday off
    I do 6 to 10 Reps and 6 sets per exercise.
    Chest I do 6 exercises
    Back & Shoulders I do 8 exercises
    Arms I do 8 Exercises
    Legs I do 6 Exercises
    Each days workout lasts 2 hours.
    When Im done im so sore that I can hardly sleep. Oh by the way Im doing a cycle of 800mg Test and 400mg of Deca weekly.
    is this over training??
    Are you sore frequently? I doubt it because the test and deca can do an aweful lot of fast healing on you. When I was on test or test/deca, there was nothing I could do to overtrain my muscles to the point of making them sore for longer then a few hours.

    That said, I personally have found doing workouts in a day one, day off fashion, in otherwords day off between workout days gave me the maximum growth. This allows for heal and growth time in between, allows protein intake, etc to accumulate, etc rather then being consumed up by the next day's workout. All this of course depends on your metabolism. If you are the type constantly battling to control your high body fat, then you are on a good workout program. If you are a low body fat kind of guy and hard to gain weight, then more days off would help your program.

    Also looks like you have too many arms days. Not only that but how do you workout your chest and not get the arms involved in there? I would merge the forward arm muscle workouts with chest day, and merge anterior (rear) arm muscles with shoulder and back day. That will get you a couple more days off. As for abs, myself I do forward abs on chest day, twist ab exercises on back/shoulder day.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 10-16-2004 at 09:37 AM.

  8. #8
    tdawg's Avatar
    tdawg is offline Associate Member
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    i train almost the same and get results

  9. #9
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAM2500
    Is'ent Body Building the same thing as "Trying to get big" the reason I'm asking this is because im just so freekin sore.
    Seeing this, then YES you are over training and its inhibiting your growth. You have to allow your muscles a chance to heal and grow. If you are working them about again before they've healed from the last time, then you are probably being less anabolic then you could be and if not on steroids , would be catabolic and shrinking.

  10. #10
    Matt76 is offline New Member
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    i'm in the gym for 2hours plus 2days a week. But I don't overtrain O wait I PL and am not in good enought shape to do my exercises any fast ignore me

  11. #11
    Jay Man's Avatar
    Jay Man is offline Associate Member
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    If you're as sore as you say you are than you need to get a little more rest. 6 days in a row with no break can take it's toll on your recovery, or lack there of. Take another day off. Take Friday off and then start the cycle over again. I do work out 6 days a week, 4 on 1 off and repeat. This works for me since I have a slow metabolism and need frequent training to see results. But I am not sore to the point of agony but I know this frequency works for me. Try different routines until you find the one that really works for your body type. Everyone is different.

  12. #12
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    Everyone is different..Everyone's goals are different..Everyone's body is different. You can only speculate with others opinions. If something is working I do it until it stops.

  13. #13
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    on the dip rack.
    way back like 4 years ago, i used to train 6 days a week also, i used to bench EOD and do backwork EOD. my chest grew great back then, but i was 15 years old then. if i tried that now i would hurt myself especially with heavy poundages.

    some people can actually still do that, so if your feeling comofortable with that routine, keep at it untill your gains have came to a halt, then try switching it up. theres no need to switch up a routine if its working for you, regardless if you like it or not.

  14. #14
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    [QUOTE=itsallmental]way back like 4 years ago, i used to train 6 days a week also, i used to bench EOD and do backwork EOD. my chest grew great back then, but i was 15 years old then. if i tried that now i would hurt myself especially with heavy poundages. QUOTE]

    Same here exactly..I used bench for everything and didnt care about much more then that. I figured if my bench went up I got bigger lol.. Not really a good theory but it kept me in the game and motivated. I even done full body workouts time to time. Or would go out with friends and come home pissed off at something and just go lift at 3 in the morning. Well at that time to I was sucking down cola and wondering why I couldnt cut up.

  15. #15
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    on the dip rack.
    ya i feel ya bro to an extent. at age 13 i learned cola was bad and from then to now i really havnt had any sort of desire to drink them drinks, and ya i was dork drinking diet coke at the age of 13, but its helped alot. the only dextrose drink i drank when i was a younger teen was gatorade durring my workouts. i mean im not trying to sound conceided, but i knew alot about what i was doing back then lol.

    but ya i remember then 3 in the morning workouts, or those workouts where you unexpectadly had a bench contest at your friends house cuzz he was jealous of you.

  16. #16
    RAM2500's Avatar
    RAM2500 is offline Member
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    Its not really muscle sore it feels like my bones are sore. I'm doing 800mg Test and 400mg of Deca . Does anyone else feel like their bones are sore at night?

  17. #17
    Jay Man's Avatar
    Jay Man is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAM2500
    Its not really muscle sore it feels like my bones are sore. I'm doing 800mg Test and 400mg of Deca. Does anyone else feel like their bones are sore at night?
    Well it's not your bones that ache it's probably your connective tissue. Your muscles are being hit hard with little recuperation time. They may grow so fast your tendons and ligaments are trying to keep up and the ache. Work in some rest, the gains will come.

  18. #18
    justin2305's Avatar
    justin2305 is offline Senior Member
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    personally i try and space each work out atleast 4-5 days apart and maybe try something like a chest/tri, bis/back, and shoulders and legs seperatally workout, maybe train abs every other day depending on ur size and build.... good luck bro

  19. #19
    Bay Man is offline New Member
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    My theory is do it until you hit the plateau, then shock the system completely. Work out 3 times a week for 3 months. Ill bet youll grow like you never did before. Then when your body gets acclimated, switch back ----> If your looking for awesome cheap TV better than cable.

  20. #20
    imann is offline Member
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    Can you please only post one thread per issue, and the training specific forum would probably yeild better responses for you .

  21. #21
    craneboy's Avatar
    craneboy is offline Senior Member
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    that would be a little too much for me

  22. #22
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bay Man
    My theory is do it until you hit the plateau, then shock the system completely. Work out 3 times a week for 3 months. Ill bet youll grow like you never did before. Then when your body gets acclimated, switch back ----> If your looking for awesome cheap TV better than cable.
    On the body shock thing... I've done this and heard others advocate it, but when it seems like you hit a plateau, maybe every 4 or 5 months, take a week and half OFF from the gym. Yes you loose strength right away but when you go back and hit the gym, you get hellacious pumps and sore muscles when getting back in and seems to break down the plateau and get lots of new growth again as you sort of let the muscles go a short period of time then go back and hit the gym again, its an extreme shock to the muscles.

  23. #23
    Bay Man is offline New Member
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    I agree to that as well

  24. #24
    pimpman is offline New Member
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    i do 60 to 80 sets per body part. I train once in morning then train at night, repeat this for 5 days then rest at the weekend.
    1st set- 12 reps light
    2nd set 6-8 rep, repeating this building up the weight for 3rd, 4th, and 5th set. Set 6 do a light pump out of 10-12 reps, then repeat as before for sets 7, 8 and 9 getting heavy, set 10 do 15 reps light pump out. I repeat this for each body part execept calves only do 6 reps and loads of sets. If ur only going to train each body part once a week u have to work it hard

    however some people are differen and will not agree with this method

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