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  1. #1
    Ripped is offline New Member
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    150mg Test Prop eod + 100mcg T3: No effects/side effects observed!

    Hi guys,
    I'm running a 6 week test prop cycle with 4 weeks of T3 administration. I'm following an isocaloric calorie defficient diet (-200 kcal) and doing sprint intervals in the morning after getting up. By now (week 3) I am up to 100mcg of T3 a day and I am still not feeling anything. There is no fat loss whatsoever and also no side effects.
    Has anybody had the same experience?
    Should I ramp up the dosage some more?

    I am also running the test prop at 150mg eod and I have made no strength gains whatsoever even though this is my first cycle and I assumed that I would get great results from test prop strengthwise.

    The objectives of this cycle:
    - increase of max strength
    - decrease of body fat percentage down to 5%

    Here are my stats:
    Age: 24
    Height: 5ft. 8in.
    Bodyweight: 170lbs.
    Body fat: 9%

    This is what my workoutschedule looks like:
    Mon........AM: sprint interval training; PM: snatch + assistance exercises
    Tue.........PM: deadlift 3x1, benchpress 3x1 > 3x8, close grip pulldowns 5x5, seated calf raises 3x8, power rack crunches 3x8
    Thu..........AM: sprint interval training; PM: cleans & press + assistance exercises
    Fri.............PM: squats 3x1, military presses 5x3, bent over rows 5x5, standing calf raises 3x8, hanging leg raises 3x6

  2. #2
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    i used 50mcg/day of t3 with test/winny/fina (1200mg/wk total) and lost strength after 1.5 wks of t3...

  3. #3
    Ripped is offline New Member
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    @Dr Evil:
    But did you feel any side effect except the strength loss? How about fat reduction - was immediately (within two weeks) noticeable?



  4. #4
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    Do you feel any raise in body temp?

    I'm usually sweating rivers at 100mcg/day...and I usually need a minimum of 1000mg/week of test to preserve my muscle while taking t3.

    I personally don't think 500mgs/week of prop by itself will do wonders for you...but you should be experiencing some progress if this is your first time!

    I don't want to say it ...but...are you sure your gear isn't bunk?

  5. #5
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Ripped
    @Dr Evil:
    But did you feel any side effect except the strength loss? How about fat reduction - was immediately (within two weeks) noticeable?


    it's hard to tell because i had some water retention from the test, so i don't know if i lost fat or not.

  6. #6
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    What were your overall results from that cycle? I have a friend to whom I recommended that same cycle for getting cut up. After the water retention went away, were you happy the results? What brand of gear did you use?

  7. #7
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dizzy

    What were your overall results from that cycle? I have a friend to whom I recommended that same cycle for getting cut up. After the water retention went away, were you happy the results? What brand of gear did you use?
    i've done that cycle many other times, but only once with t3 and never again. in general that's my favorite cutting cycle, but now i substitute either methyl test or methyl dht for winny because my joints have a hard time of handling even 25mg/day of winny.

    i also add a small amount of arimidex , only .25mg e3d to that cycle because otherwise i get too much water retention that prevents me from doing cardio properly.

  8. #8
    Ripped is offline New Member
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    The pharmaceuticals are definitely legit since I get them directly from the drug store and the German laws regarding medications are very strict. Stricter than US laws.

    @Mallet: There is no body temperature rise at all! I just get out of breath a lot quicker than normal and my heart seems to be working harder than normal. But the heart rate itself is not raised.

    Thanks guys,


  9. #9
    Mallet's Avatar
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    It seems to me that you've done your homework on the diet and cardio end...but for me peraonally i don't think I would see any strength gains with 150mgs EOD of prop while dieting and the t3 isn't helping things either!

    Maybe it's time to start over? and try a different stack?

  10. #10
    Ripped is offline New Member
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    My opinion up to now was that when it comes to strength test is test no matter which ester one uses. And about 525mg/week isn't a small dosage considering this is my first cycle and I weigh only 170lbs.

    Could it be that even though the prop is a short acting ester that it takes about 5-6 weeks till increases in strength will be noticeable? One also has to take into account that my diet is not really drastic since there is only 300kcal deficit. This should not be very detrimental on my strength gains. One reason why I am not making any strength gains might be that I am just now coming of a creatine cycle and there might be a decrease of strength caused by this.

    What also kind of worries me is the fact that there is no feeling of heightened aggression or increase of libido.

    Maybe I just am a pharmacological freak!

    Thanks bro,


    P.S.: The way people are willing to help is the difference between German and US boards. One just can't get that sound advice on German boards.

  11. #11
    Mr LuCiFa is offline Junior Member
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    well like its been said
    the strenght loss from T3, and the strength gain from test are balancign out, and leaving u in the middle
    as far as fat reduction....either ur gear is fake, or ur diet is wrong, 100mcg for the first time is ENOUGH, and so is the test at 150ed.

    i'm taking T3 right now, and my strengthis way down, cant wait till anavar starts kicking in ,and i start t400, t200, and EQ

    if u have Cynomel tabs...does the lid have a plastic, thick eyedropper thing hangin down? and do the pills have a thin engraved line in the middle?
    they're really small too

    maybe one or the other or both, are fake

  12. #12
    Ripped is offline New Member
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    Mr. LuCiFa:
    I am from Germany and we don't have Cynomel over here. I am using the German brand and I purchase it directly at the drug store. But drug store here in Germany are not like the ones in the States where there is one at every bigger grocery store. Drug stores here in Germany are very strictly regulated and my pharmaceuticals are legit! There is no questioning that!

    I thought a strength loss of T3 would only occur if I would also loose a lot of mass (muscle + fat) - I guess not!

    Thanks anyway!


  13. #13
    Mallet's Avatar
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    the difference between prop and other test is that prop stars working right don't have to wait 3-4 weeks like the longer acting if your not experiencing any strength now your not going too.
    And my recommendation that 150mgs of prop EOD is not enough test for a cycle, I meant it's not enough IMO when taking like the other bro said...there balancing each other out so to speek, so my suggestion was to increase the test or add some eq to the stack but since your only running 6 weeks that's not really going to help, and if it wasn't your first cycle then i would of suggested throughing in some fina or var! but your already at week 4 is it? so that's why i suggested starting over again with a new plan!JMO

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