Hello to everyone at AR.
New to the forum and in need of some advice. I currently stand @ 212lbs, 10% bodyfat, 182cm tall. I'm almost 23 y/o and have been training since I was 16. I feel that I've pretty much exhausted my natural genetic ability (not gained anything for last 8 months - even training like a warrior). As far as my understanding of the human body goes please see my profile.
I was considering this as my first cycle:
Test Prop @ 100mg eod for 10 weeks
Eq @ 2 ml eod for 13 weeks
full PCT and starting Clen @ 4 weeks on 3 weeks off from week 7 of the cycle.
I'm looking to gain slowly whilst maintaining bf.
Diet is clean - cardio 3 x wk for 1hr - training one bodypart per day
Any help would be appreciated as you guys seem to be the most knowledgable people around - more knowledgable than the guys down the gym by a mile.