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Thread: Please critique my third cycle

  1. #1

    Please critique my third cycle

    I'm about to do my third cycle and would like your comments. My stats:
    32 years old
    150lbs (I think 15% body fat - gained fat from 2nd cycle)

    Second cycle was test enanthate 250mg and deca 250mg for 10 weeks. I gained about 25 lbs on second cycle, gained some fat also.

    For my third cycle, here's what I'm planning - My goal is to gain size (and strength):
    Test enant 250mg, weeks 1-10
    EQ 250 mg, weeks 1-10
    Anadrol 40mg, weeks 1-4
    Will run either arimidex or Femara throughout cycle
    Post cycle therapy with clomid

    I also want to keep as much of my gains as possible. What type of steroid do you recommend to add towards the end of the cycle to help keep gains - I hear that winstrol/primobolan could be added at the end to help keep gains. Please recommend a cycle or changes to my current cycle. Thanks in advance Bros!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    run liquidex you could add anavar to the end imo

  3. #3
    Why liquidex instead of Femara?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Bump the Test to 500mg or more, and drop the EQ unless you can run it over 12 weeks at a much higher dose than 250mg I doubt you'd see any result at all from it as is. Maybe try 625mg test and 500mg eq

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    because there is no rebound from Ldex and there is from femara

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I think u should bump the Test up.
    and about keeping the gains i will try prop 75mg ed after my last Test Enth shot at week 12.
    so week 13-14 ill do Prop 75mg and then 3 days after start the pct.
    My current cycle is and im in my first week gained 7pounds already =)
    Test enth W: 1-12 500mg/ 250x2/w
    Deca 400mg w: 1-11 200/x2/w
    D-bol 35mg/ed W:1-4
    Test prop W:12-14 75mg/ed
    Nolva W:1-12 10mg / ed
    never tried the prop part before so i hope it goes well.

    and then pct ofcourse 3 days after last prop injection.
    Last edited by Latin; 10-17-2004 at 08:35 PM.

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