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Thread: Oil abcess

  1. #1
    JoeyJuice is offline Banned
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    Mar 2004

    Oil abcess

    im doin alot of stuff 1500mg of test and 525 of tren a week, i devolped an abcess on my right ass cheek. doesent look like it has to be drained. i rotated inection sites alot though. what can i do to feel better besides hot compresses..also what can i do to help move the oil??? what is another safe painless injection site besides shoulders...i have real pain injecting my shoulders

  2. #2
    fatfireman's Avatar
    fatfireman is offline Junior Member
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    injection site

    I just recently started using my quads, it pinches a little but pain free for the most part my glutes are full of scar tissue. also i used to sit in hot baths and kneeds the lump it helped me but could be dumb luck though.

  3. #3
    Z-Ro's Avatar
    Z-Ro is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatfireman
    I just recently started using my quads, it pinches a little but pain free for the most part my glutes are full of scar tissue. also i used to sit in hot baths and kneeds the lump it helped me but could be dumb luck though.
    i dunno, i recently shot a good amount into my glute and the same thing happened, i was rotating sites, but i happen to touch the injections site, and there was a big knot there, that was hard, so i sat in the bath tub for a while, and i haven't touched the glutes for over a week, i'm going to stay away from them as long as i can

  4. #4
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
    thejuiceisloose is offline Senior Member
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    I got a knot on my glute as well, just been kneeding it and pressing it trying to move things around there, used a heating pad for 2 days. Now its a little bruised and the knot has gone down. Ill give it another week, should go down completely. Had to go for the Quads, **** the next day they were real sore, no knots though. Dont know what the deal is?

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