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Thread: ANAVAR aromatizing at high dosages, and question stacking MESANOLON

  1. #1

    ANAVAR aromatizing at high dosages, and question stacking MESANOLON

    1) Is it possible for Anavar to aromatize at high dosages? I know it is not supposed to, but at 50mg daily I must beg to differ!

    2) I'm contemplating switching to Winnie capsules stacked with MESANOLON (Mestanalone). BTW Mesanolon is INCREDIBLE SHIT!! Get some if u can... works better than winnie..

    3) I would stack winnie with some DBOL if I could still lose body fat?????? anyone????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    beg to differ all you want bro i have took up to 70mg a day and had no aromatising without any form of anti armoatize or estrogen. Aas has nothing to do with losing bf % thats down to diet and cardio aas will help you keep muscle when dieting low but dont exepct miracles and also i wouldnt mix so much orals together find urself a suitable stack thats providing u r over the age of consent


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i live in cumming georgia
    hey bro , my source has thrown that mesanolon at me bfore said it was the shit to take ..he told me it blew primo,and winny 50mg tabs out the door..what dosages do you take and when in the cycle do you start. i just ordered some as we speak!!..cant wait ..also what are the side effects..if any??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    it is impossible for the oxandrolone molecule to attach to the aromatase enzyme, so it can not aromatize at any dose.

    don't stack dbol with winny. it's a waste and hurts your liver.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    What is mesanolon? What is your opinion of Winny orals vs. the injectibles?

  6. #6


    Originally posted by bigcalf
    hey bro , my source has thrown that mesanolon at me bfore said it was the shit to take ..he told me it blew primo,and winny 50mg tabs out the door..what dosages do you take and when in the cycle do you start. i just ordered some as we speak!!..cant wait ..also what are the side effects..if any??

    MUST BE THE SAME SOURCE...AND HE'S RIGHT!!! Stack it with some Tokkyo Anavar and sit back stack on LEAN MUSCLE MASS. Take 50MG Anavar and 40mg Mesanolon...That's 4 10mg pills a day. Just those two have been enough for me, but if you want to bulk up first with something else and then end the cycle with at least 4 -6 weeks of cutting that's fine too.

    Stay on a good diet and your metabolism will TAKE OFF!!!!

  7. #7

    By the way

    You will also probably need to take some type of liver protectant as anavar and mesanolon could stress your liver somewhat as they are 17 AAK.... But with some Milk Thistle or Liv-52 you should be fine....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    mesanolon Is "the shit" I've just finished using it in my "cutting phase"and it was awesome it is methly dht one of the moderators wrote a great post about the "german athletes being addministered it and what outstanding effects it had ALL i'm saying is i did it and woulden't think twice about doing it again."which i plan to very soon!!

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