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Thread: clomide

  1. #1
    eckiller is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    I just finished a cycle and Iam having problems with the dick. First off, he doesn't get aroused as easily as before the cycle. Second it takes longer and harder stimulation to orgasm. Third, not that much giz is coming out.

    Inrerestingly enough, I still feel strong in the gym. So I'm wondering if my test levels aren't all that low or what. I finished my cycle with orals, so i wouldn't assume that the steroids are sill in my system a week after.

    Anyway I have clomid, will this help get me back to normal. The important thing is, I don't want clomide to be a temporary solution. I mean once i get it back to normal i want to stay there.

    Its been a week since my last oral dose, how much clomide should i take per day and for how many days. How long until I notice an improvement ?


  2. #2
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2001
    hey bro read the other clomid post by me on here and ive got some good info from other bros on here so go look at it and itll help you out too

  3. #3
    eckiller is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001
    Ok I read them. But my question is do you guys think I need it. Like I said I'm not feeling low test levels. I'm still strong in the gym etc. So I'm not concerned about test levels I'm more concerned about getting my dick back into shape. heheheh. Will clomid help for this and will it bring me back up to normal permenently - or at least unti l i do another round

  4. #4
    IronCy's Avatar
    IronCy is offline Senior Member
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    if everything is not right with MR. HAPPY--then you need to look into clomid or nolvadex , either one should help...i would start the clomid first to see how it goes----i know you probably dont want to hear this but, i must say it......just do a search for clomid, that will give you all the info you need

  5. #5
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dirty South
    proviron will get your dick up

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