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Thread: Can Deca make you sick?

  1. #1

    Question Can Deca make you sick?

    My buddy did his first Deca shot yesterday. (2cc's into his quad or 200mg/ml strength) He woke up this morning feeling nausious and had the cold sweats. His leg was also very cramped. He shot Vitamin B12 with the Deca.
    Is it common or possible to have reactions to deca?

    I use the same Deca he does and I was fine from it. This is my same buddy who gets really sick when he takes Test Prop. He has no problems with Fina though.

    Any advice guys on this?

    How to lessen symptoms?

  2. #2
    anyone? is it slow friday?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    Fridays are always slow. When he got sick off the test prop, did he inject B-12? Maybe it's the B-12 over dose?

  4. #4
    no B-12 when he was doing prop, he also has been injecting the b-12 with his Fina with no problem. When he injected the deca, he only injected a half cc of b-12.

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