My buddy is getting over a heroin abuse problem. One of the things that has helped him has been working out with me over the past few months. Lately he has been curious about AS and has been asking me questions and we have talked it over a bit. At first I was questioning the fact that should someone with obvious disregard for their health in the past and highly addictive personality should be doing AS at all. But it could also be good for him for the reason that it could spring his wasted muscles into shape and give him something to take his mind off heroin. I also figure that if I dont guide him in the right direction he could hurt himself, if he dosent get it from me he is going to get it from someone else and they might give him bad gear or bad info. He is also currently on methadone therapy and was wondering if this would have any interactions with juice? I would also appreciate any input you guys might have. Thanks Peace