Well I have posted a few threads about my first cycle, I am taking 1cc of sus e3d, and 30mg of dbol, I have been on it for about two weeks today, today is the first time I noticed a huge difference in the gym, I was hitting the weights WAY hard, and was noticably bigger in the areas i worked today (bi's, back, and shoulders) and when I say noticably i mean I am a big guy already but my arms and shoulders where bigger and had DEFINITION, omg thats a first for me. So I went and got my Milk thistle and have been taking it and my B6 for my liver, but the problem is this:
I have about 140 of the 5mg dbols left, and aboutg 6cc of sus, now I cant get any more of the sus cause the dude moved out of town, so should i jump the dose up and just juice it hard so when it runs out i have more to work with and try to keep? Or should i just keep the doage the same and just let them run out? I mean hopefully I will fiind a way to get some more before it runs out but it doesnt look good? any help would be aprreciated.
I eat 2-3 eggs for breakfast, 2 cans of tuna (with pepper on it) for lunch (which is like 37g of protien a can) and something different for dinner, like chicken or steak, cutting way back to almost zero carbs. does this sound right for a diet during my cycle? and when i snack i snack on a can o f tuna or chicken.
Any help would be appreciated by replying here, PM me, or email me