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Thread: Excellent non test cutting cycle

  1. #1

    Excellent non test cutting cycle

    Goal: 10-15lbs lean quality muscle mass, fully retainable, little to no sides, and very good strength gains. Minimize the chance of gyno, secondary sexual characteristics (excess body hair growth, etc...), aromitazation (water bloat), balding, acne, etc...

    This is my favorite cycle. I've gone conservative on the EQ and winstrol durations because I don't really seem to get much out of EQ past 10 weeks.

    1-10 EQ 200mg twice a week
    8-12 Winstrol 50mg ED
    12-13 50mg ED Anavar
    13-15 40mg ED Anavar
    15-18 20mg ED Anavar
    18-20 20mg ED Nolvadex

    I usually gain 15-20 lbs on this cycle. So 10-15lbs should be easy for most bros.

    Here would be a more mainstream cycle for those that want to max out the cycle duration and potential gain:

    1-12 EQ 200mg twice a week (frontload 600mg first week or two)
    8-14 Winstrol 50mg ED
    14-15 50mg ED Anavar
    15-17 40mg ED Anavar
    17-20 20mg ED Anavar
    20-22 20mg ED Nolvadex

    Tren could be added from weeks 2-6 at 75mg ED for the hardcore user. I personally don't like heavy androgens for obvious reasons, so tren is considered optional, although the results are incredible. Your PCT will probably have to be increased (clomid and nolva).


    Timing is very critical as it is in all cycles. Notice how I'm using the winstrol towards the end of the cycle to take advantage of it's anti-e properties. Also notice how I'm using the Anavar just as the EQ is starting to fully wear off. Since var is used to prevent muscle wasting in HIV, anorexic, and burn patients, it must do a great job of retaining muscle...right? You betcha!

    Slowly taper off the var for 6 weeks allowing HPTA to come back as much as possible. This isn't a real suppressive cycle (unless the tren is used) so a light nolva PCT works fine in my case.

    What I've noticed is that depression and other "coming off" sides are minimized by using var as a prerequisite for PCT. It also allows you to keep practically all of your gains.

    I tried test cyp only for my first cycle and didn't like the results or sides. This seems to work great for me though. I don't have any dick probs either. Never fails to stand at attention
    Last edited by spooledup; 10-25-2004 at 07:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    I'm not going to lie, i only read the first cycle. What the hell are you thinking? Since when did tapering come back into style?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Deacon
    I'm not going to lie, i only read the first cycle. What the hell are you thinking? Since when did tapering come back into style?
    ONLY consider tapering with oxandrolone. And yes, some have great results bridging with it as well.

    I have experience with var only cycles and they are not very HPTA suppressive. Makes an outstanding retainer/cutter/strength enhancer..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    Your making my head hurt I guess you should do what you want to do. I dont like the cycle but i am also not the one doing it. Good luck bro. Oh and sorry for my last post i didnt mean to do any flaming

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    Adding tren with no test is a horrible idea.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Deacon
    Adding tren with no test is a horrible idea.
    Well, here is a thread posted yesterday that shows I'm not alone. Dally doesn't have any problem with his tally!

    We're all different I suppose. They all affect us differently

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    Well i also ran a Deca only cycle and would have sworn it didnt effect my libido but then about a month after the cycle ended by libido crashed.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    I think that some people can run cycles with no test it all matters on your body composition theres just some dudes who dont get sides from gear

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