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Thread: Critique Second Cycle Please

  1. #1

    Critique Second Cycle Please

    This is my second cycle, last year at this time i did 400mgs of Test Cyp for about 8 weeks, two shots a week mon and thursday, with proper post cycle.. the next cycle i plan on starting in a few weeks looks like this:

    Zencall Test Enanthate - 500mg Wks 1-11
    Zencall Equipoise - 400mg Wks 1-10
    Zencall Deca - 300mg Wks 1-10
    Liquid Winstrol - 60mg 8-12
    10mg of Nolva everyday Wks 1-11 and throug post cycle
    .25 Arimidex Wks 1-11
    B6 200mg everyday

    PCT 2Wks after last injection, Nolva and clomid

    6'1 205lbs
    22 yrs old
    Lifting for 4 years
    Looking to put on some mass

    Just wondering what everyone thinks about this all criticisms and advice are wanted

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I would either choose eq or deca not both.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by sniper320
    I would either choose eq or deca not both.
    Agreed. If your looking for mass, the deca is better than eq. Also raise the deca to 400 mgs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    I would drop the eq and winstrol increase the deca to 400mg extend the test to 12 weeks and add some prop for the first 4 weeks at 100mg eod.

  5. #5
    will the deca be effective at 300mg ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    Yes it will be

  7. #7
    i am going with the combo deca and eq cuz i want to bulk up but i woudlnt mind gettin that vein effect

  8. #8
    well i have a new question, waht woudl be better, stay with my current cycle or change it aroudn and go with a higher dosage of test for say 15 weeks and bump the deca up to 450mgs for 13 weeks and cut out the eq

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Foccused
    well i have a new question, waht woudl be better, stay with my current cycle or change it aroudn and go with a higher dosage of test for say 15 weeks and bump the deca up to 450mgs for 13 weeks and cut out the eq
    Nope, keep the test at 500 unless you aren't growing off it anymore. No need to run deca any higher than 400 especially if you've never tried it. Remember, with higher doses come higher risks of sides. You want to grow on the least amount of gear your body requires. You can go ahead and run 15 weeks on the test but I try to keep my deca cycles down to 10 weeks at the most. I always have a bitch of a time recovering from it.

  10. #10
    Thanks Toolman, waht do you think about my proposed cycle with the deca and the eq, do you think the deca at 300mg/wk will be effective and do you think it will be in my best interest to run the eq with it or do you think i should save teh eq and run 400mg/wk of deca

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Foccused
    Thanks Toolman, waht do you think about my proposed cycle with the deca and the eq, do you think the deca at 300mg/wk will be effective and do you think it will be in my best interest to run the eq with it or do you think i should save teh eq and run 400mg/wk of deca
    THe first time I ran deca I did so at 200mgs so yes I think 300 should work. I don't like your running the Eq with the deca as they act different ways. If your looking for size, go with the deca. If your looking for vascularity and assistance with hunger for caloric intake requirements for growth, go with the Eq. However the water retention that Deca gives you is going to mask much of the Eq vascularity so why do it. Further, if this is your second cycle, just introduce one new compound. THat way you will see how your body reacts and know how to treat it. Eq is very mild with regard to sides risks, but if you are looking for a good mass cycle, you cant beat the 500 Test E/ 400 Deca formula. Good luck bro!

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