This is my second cycle, last year at this time i did 400mgs of Test Cyp for about 8 weeks, two shots a week mon and thursday, with proper post cycle.. the next cycle i plan on starting in a few weeks looks like this:
Zencall Test Enanthate - 500mg Wks 1-11
Zencall Equipoise - 400mg Wks 1-10
Zencall Deca - 300mg Wks 1-10
Liquid Winstrol - 60mg 8-12
10mg of Nolva everyday Wks 1-11 and throug post cycle
.25 Arimidex Wks 1-11
B6 200mg everyday
PCT 2Wks after last injection, Nolva and clomid
6'1 205lbs
22 yrs old
Lifting for 4 years
Looking to put on some mass
Just wondering what everyone thinks about this all criticisms and advice are wanted