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I just wanted to through you fellas out there the cycle I am thinking about doing. I am 6 feet tall and weigh 175 lbs. I wont be taking the cycle until I reach about 185 lbs. naturally. What I am out to look for is to gain about 15 lbs. and be able to get pretty cut up. Heres the sample cycle and anybody out there can tear it apart saying if its not what I should be taking for the requests I am hoping to get out of my first cycle. Thank you for taking the time and looking at this.
1 Test Prop 75mg Ed
2-10 Test Prop 100mg Ed
5-10 Winstrol 50mg Ed
1-10 Nolva 10mg Ed
PCT 4 days after last shot of Prop
1 Clomid 300mg
2-11 Clomid 100mg
12-21 Clomid 50mg
1-21 Nolva 20mg
Like I was saying, feel free to critisize this as much as you like, im just thinking this would be a pretty good cycle to take to obtain the goals i have set for myself. Thanks