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  1. #1
    icruckus88 is offline New Member
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    Question prescription test cyp

    My friend's doctor has written me a prescription for 2 bottles of testosterone cyponate with 2 refills. I am wondering how suspicious will I look taking this to a pharmacy? How much will this cost approximately?? Could I just pay the copay and put it on my insurance ?? What is test prescribed for ??

  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    You wouldn't have to worry about the pharmacy. What are they gonna do. You have a prescription.

  3. #3
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: prescription test cyp

    Originally posted by icruckus88
    My friend's doctor has written me a prescription for 2 bottles of testosterone cyponate with 2 refills....What is test prescribed for ??
    your doctor prescribed you something, but didn't tell you what it's for? huh?

    anyway, if your insurance covers it then just pay the copay.

  4. #4
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    I got a script a while back, it was like 22-32-42$ or something.. i know it was alot cheaper than street price, and i still to this day think it was twice as good as any test i've ever taken.

  5. #5
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool Ya gotta laugh . . .

    First, icruckus88, welcome to the forum. I get the impression that you have not done much research into AS, or you would know some of these answers already. (Especially in light of the "Broken arm" thread, for which my answer would also be to cease the cycle - it ain't gonna do you any good if you can't work out.)

    Now, take good notes - there will be a quiz at the end of class. I'm going to reverse your questions a bit since my answers will make more sense in the following order . . .

    1. What is test prescribed for? Generally, three things: In young people, it is prescribed for delayed puberty. In adults, it is prescribed for hypogonadism, which results in low testosterone levels . And in adults over age 40, it is now often prescribed for what has become known as andropause (the male equivalent of menopause), which also results in a low test count.

    2. How suspicious will you look? Pretty suspicious - you're a 20 year-old guy and, assuming you look 20 instead of 12, the pharmacist will know that the prescription is not for delayed puberty (the primary clinical indication for, or reason to use, testosterone ).

    3. How much will it cost? Assuming you are in the U.S., there is only one legally manufactured brand of cypionate : Depo-Testosterone, made by Upjohn/Pharmacia. Dependingo on the drug store, it retails for about $75-80 for a 10 ml. vial of the 200 mg/ml strength.

    4. Can you pay just the co-pay and have your insurance cover the rest? That depends on how tight the utilization review process is on your insurance plan. Some plans coordinate prescriptions with physician visits, most do not (since prescription plans are often handled by third-party admistrators). It also depends on whether your prescription plan requires pre-approval for testosterone (a common practice for several drugs, including Celebrex, Viagra, and Vioxx). In other words, if a hip audutor catches that you are getting testosterone but have never had a lab test for testosterone and prolactin levels or have never personally seen an endocrinologist or urologist, that will raise a red flag. Unlikely, but possible.

    Now, all that said, here are a couple of additional things you should know . . .

    Fisrt, do you know the specialty of the doctor who wrote the prescription? I kid you not, a buddy of mine was caught writing fake scripts many years ago for amyl nitrite (more commonly known as "poppers"). This guy worked for a printer that printed the prescription pads for many area doctors, so it was easy for him to get a few sheets from each doctor's sample file. He would write scripts for poppers, the take them to various pharmacies to be filled. And one day he got caught - fortunately, by a hip pharmacist who didn't call the cops. Why was he caught? Because he had written out a script using a fake name, but it was a male name and the doctor whose name was on the script (y'all know where I'm going with this?) . . . was a gynecologist.

    Second, call the drug store where you want to have the script filled to make sure they have Depo-Testosterone in stock. Most drugs stores can get it within 24 hours, but they do not generally have it in stock (especially if you want two at a time). So if you don't find one that has it in stock, be prepared to drop off the script and pick it up the next day. However, realize that if the pharmacist you give it to is "by the book," he may call the doctor's office to verify that it is a legitimate prescription, and if it's not legit, the police may be waiting for you when you return to the drug store. Remember, we are talking about a Schedule III anabolic here.

    Third, can you tell us specifically what the prescription says? Ifa doc writes for two vials at a time, that in itself is open to question from a therapeutic perspective. Any pharmacist who knows test dosages will pick up on it. And any doc who does not normally write test prescriptions may not know the proper therapeutic dosages, which could raise an additional red flag with the pharmacist. So how did the doctor write the script, and what doses did he prescribe (that's the part after the third line of the script, the one that begins with the word sig)?

    Finally, if your friend's doctor has written you a prescription for two vials (and the correct term is vials, not bottles) of cyp and the doctor never examined you, make sure that if you are ever actually sick, you do not go to this bozo under any circumstances. He's a sleazy doc who may be willing to write a script for anabolics, but it doesn't sound like he's the best guy when it comes to treating illness. In other words, it's like the old expression that there are two types of women - the kind you marry, and the other kind. (To our female readers, yes, the same principle applies to men as well.) Well, there are two kinds of doctors - the kind that will treat your illness competently, compassionately, and ethically, and the other kind. My take is that this doctor is the other kind.

  6. #6
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Damn. Every now and then, you should just post some random tidbit of knowlegde like this TNT. It never ceases to amaze me how much you know about this game. I think I'm gonna start PMing you my questions before I post them j/k. Thanks for all the great info bro.

  7. #7
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    Damn TNT,
    I took my notes and learned something new but some of it was commen sense stuff I wouldve knew before asking but other than that I learned a little. good reply TNT

  8. #8
    lisciop is offline New Member
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    you got that off... TNT
    people don't always think of each senario

  9. #9
    icruckus88 is offline New Member
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    Thanx for the info. My arm is healed now thanx to surgery. It has been almost 9 weeks since I broke my arm. THe doctor is a family practicioner. He did use the term vials when writing the prescription.

  10. #10
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    If you have a scrip, then theres no reason to worry about how suspicious you look!! I have a scrip for test cyp(200mg/ml-10ml VILE) the pharmacist doesn't even look twice at me!! He does comment about how big i'am getting and says he should start taking some to put on some size( he's a small shit).It cost $20, but i get a discount so it costs only $12.

  11. #11
    MindBomb's Avatar
    MindBomb is offline Member
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    TNT strikes again

  12. #12
    lil jay is offline Junior Member
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    if you have a legit script from a doc go get it filled.why would you look suspicious?you did noy write it the doc did.turn it in to your ins.why not?its not like theyll drop you for getting a script of cyp just broke your arm,im sure they gave you a script for pain killers.did you get any shit for getting them filled,i bet not .pain killers are also scheduled as a narcotic.stop being paranoid and drop it off at the pharmacy

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