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Thread: Hit a nerve?? opinions please fellas

  1. #1

    Hit a nerve?? opinions please fellas

    for the past two shot in my quads (others are in the glutes) i've been stickin when all of a sudden my quad starts to spasm, i immediatelt pulled back out, ive done this before on othe cycles and had no such dillema, but man this has ****in freaked me out, can't stop thinking about it, i think ive lost my bottle to stick myself in that area, really don't want the next jab to come around, i know i sound like a right woman moaning but i hate that ****! do you think it was a vein that i hit?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    switch to another site like tri's or delts. I have the same problem with my quads, like 8 out of 10 times I hit something.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    Its a nerve.

    The other night I stabbed myself three times before I found a spot without hitting a nerve. I Just shot in the same spot on the other side and all is well.

    Remember where you shot the last time and shoot in that same spot on the other leg next rotation.

    Also, going to, and visually seeing where you should be injecting makes a huge difference.

    other than that youll just have to suck it up

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    i found that if you are injecting in the right area, if you bend the knee which in turn stretches the quad a bit the chances of spasm decreases. did you bleed alot? then you might have hit a vein. its ok, if you inject into a wrong area and you hit a nerve. well, a friend of a friend did this extreme pain and then loss of feeling in his leg. he had to go to er but the feeling came back and the doctor said it was from steroids but it was from the injection into a part of his glute that had alot of nerves.

  5. #5
    ya - strech the leg by bending the knee and inject into a slightly stretched quad - you will have less pain

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    i found that if you are injecting in the right area, if you bend the knee which in turn stretches the quad a bit the chances of spasm decreases. did you bleed alot? then you might have hit a vein. its ok, if you inject into a wrong area and you hit a nerve. well, a friend of a friend did this extreme pain and then loss of feeling in his leg. he had to go to er but the feeling came back and the doctor said it was from steroids but it was from the injection into a part of his glute that had alot of nerves.

  6. #6
    i reckon i just scratched the nerve or something cos there wasn't much pain or blood, just as soon as i touched something my freakin leg moved by itself, don't really have any suitable pins for other areas, will suck it up and plough on, its just that 2 outta 2 times its now happened and its phyched me out, thanks for your input guys!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    sometimes i inject with a 21 gauge as we are all masocistic in a sense. also, some of us are sadists also or at least on gear.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i hit a nerve almost everytime i shoot my quad. try using another pin to poke around and u can feel the more sensitive spots. but bottom line is just learn to live with it cause it wont be ur first or last.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I shoot strictly delt and glute...

    Attempted to shoot quads once.. got met with resistance...The area (for me) is just to dense.. so try a Delt shot instead.

    my .02


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    That sh*t happens when i shot my quad aswell.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I hit nerves all the time. Leg quivered and spasmed, hurt a bit (I'm sure the needed thrashed around inside my muscle from the spasming)...but I just pushed it through and finished. Like I've said in other threads, when you do ED injections, you get tired of all the BS and just push it through and finish it. The only downside (besides the initial pain) is that the injection site is pretty sore the next day (I imagine from the needle thrashing inside ya).

    I tell ya, I actually used to get pissed off when I hit a nerve..."God f-ing d@mnit, not again. Well I'll f-ing show you, you stupid leg!" *jab needle in harder* "yeah, you like that b*tch? Maybe next time you wont' be such a little b*tch and move your stupid nerves out of the way!"

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Canada, Eh
    Happens to me a lot bro, its hit and miss, once you find a sweet spot though just keep going back to the general area and you'll be good.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    I hit nerves all the time. Leg quivered and spasmed, hurt a bit (I'm sure the needed thrashed around inside my muscle from the spasming)...but I just pushed it through and finished. Like I've said in other threads, when you do ED injections, you get tired of all the BS and just push it through and finish it. The only downside (besides the initial pain) is that the injection site is pretty sore the next day (I imagine from the needle thrashing inside ya).

    I tell ya, I actually used to get pissed off when I hit a nerve..."God f-ing d@mnit, not again. Well I'll f-ing show you, you stupid leg!" *jab needle in harder* "yeah, you like that b*tch? Maybe next time you wont' be such a little b*tch and move your stupid nerves out of the way!"

    lmao i'm at that point "GOD F*CKING DAMMMIT ¤#"¤#"¤#"!!"
    I will try that reversed psycology next time though!!
    hope it works better

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Bergen, Norway
    I have injected deca three times now (my first cycle) in my quads and I have no problem with it. There is absolutly no pain, actually I'm looking forward to my next injection

  15. #15
    clockworks - know what ya mean - think ill try it, **** it!
    when i shot deca and test in last cycle i had no pain or hit any nerves but that was more central, for some reason i did this into the meatiest part of my leg (outer quad) and wham, its full of fukin nerves both sides same place more or less, **** knows why i changed when it went ok during last cycle

    thanks for all your replys fellas - nice to see im not the only one!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i find it best to inject in the quads by putting my weight on the oposite leg , which relaxes the muscels that i am injecting . it works for me .

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Britguy
    for the past two shot in my quads (others are in the glutes) i've been stickin when all of a sudden my quad starts to spasm, i immediatelt pulled back out, ive done this before on othe cycles and had no such dillema, but man this has ****in freaked me out, can't stop thinking about it, i think ive lost my bottle to stick myself in that area, really don't want the next jab to come around, i know i sound like a right woman moaning but i hate that ****! do you think it was a vein that i hit?
    shoot in your ass. MUCH less chance of hitting a nerve/vein.
    i wonder why i ever bothered shooting anywhere else.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pork Chop
    shoot in your ass. MUCH less chance of hitting a nerve/vein.
    i wonder why i ever bothered shooting anywhere else.
    actually u have a major nerve in ur glute (sciatic nerve) it is the biggest nerve in ur body and damaging that nerve can paralyze ur leg permanently. u also have a gluteal artery and vein so dont get relaxed just because there is so much area to shoot. you still have to be very careful.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    rip off Ireland
    Took me three go's to get the gear in my leg cause it kept jumping around it wasnt sore untill two days later, i couldnt walk properly but its all worth it in the end.

  20. #20
    pork chop - i am doing glutes, glutes and thighs im on prop and tren so im doing very frequent shootin

    I don't worry bout glutes cos i always more or less shoot in same position and never had any trouble- time to stick my leg tomorrow anyhow - not looking 4ward to it - sweatin like the feckin rapist at the thought of it!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    Bending your knee doesnt stretch the quad. It relaxes it. To stretch the quad you have to a straight leg. And dont inject into a stetched muscle.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    one thing to REMEMBER when shooting anywhere hit a NERVE good enough, you'll END up PARALIZED!

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