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Thread: from sus250 to test enanthate (vs) help

  1. #1

    from sus250 to test enanthate (vs) help

    i've posted here before,

    the original idea was to use sustanon 250 over 8 weeks to gain 10-15lbs over an 8 week period. as i've never used sustanon, i had no idea it had to be used EOD or every third day etc .. a lot of people have instead suggested i use testosterone enanthate along with an order of nolvadex and clomid for PCT .. although i've only been training for about a year and a half, i'm still looking forward to boosting my progress with an anabolic steroid.

    here are my stats: 160lbs, 6', 22 yrs .. BF% varies depending on the method used to measure it .. with a 9 site test i actually get 5.5% !?? here's a picture ...

    so i'm still unsure of an appropriate calorie target per day. 3-3500 calories.
    and i'm wondering if test-e is the best way to do my first cycle and what other advice i can get from this forum !!

    thanks i've learned a lot so far ..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    East Coast
    Enanthate has to be injected 2 times a week so it is also basically every 3 days , For your height and weight 2592-3641 calories would be enough to just maintain your current weight 2592 being geared toward lower activity daily and 3641 being the higher activity daily

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    East Coast
    Also i think you could put on some more mass on your own if you up your calories and stick to low reps high weight

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