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Thread: newbie cycle & workout advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    New Jersey

    Question newbie cycle & workout advice

    whatsup, i've been training for around 3 years now (i'm 21).. I would say that I'm between a mesomorph and endomorph. I've just recently started to watch what I eat (as in consuming more proteins, less fats, seriously cut down on snacks, etc.). I've been reading the new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding for some workout advice and inspiration, but I can't come up with a good workout schedule. My main goal is to increase my strength, gain some mass and get super cut. I know this is stupid but kinda like guile from street fighter.

    right now i'm about to pickup sus and dbol and take that for 8-weeks, and then take winny, deca and clen for another 8-12 weeks. I'm not 100% sure of the amounts or if this sounds good. What do you guys think?

    Also, I heard something about cardio breaking down muscle after you workout.. If I workout 5 days a week and do some cardio for 30 mins after lifting, will that f' anything up?

    Thanks for all of your help.
    Last edited by brianusc; 08-16-2001 at 11:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    IMO, you should have some idea of the dosages you want to take. If by your own admission you've only recently improved your diet then you have some extra growth before you would need gear. IMO Diet is 80% of BB, AAS will help but are useless w/o a good diet and training programme.

    Lets have an example of your current meal plan and training split and method.

    By all means use AAS but have everything in place first, diet and training need to be A1 to make the potential risk of using AAS worthit!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Before you venture into AS you need to learn how to train and diet first. Do this for a couple of years to build a good base and then think about AS. You aint ready yet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    the problem that i have is that i do too much research into workout regimens and end up getting confused in the long run. i always keep changing what day to work what because of shit i read in mags or books.. so far, i've been doing:
    day 1 - chest
    day 2 - back
    day 3 - legs
    day 4 - arms
    day 5 - shoulders
    everyday abs, 3-4 days 30-40 mins of cardio.. basically the same as a workout mentioned in a previous message on this site. i try to add some variety in the workout like by doing one routine for the chest one week.. and the next doing different exercises..

    the only things i drink are water, myoplex shakes and sometimes tea and coffee. on some fridays or saturdays i'll go out to the bars but I don't drink heavily.. maybe 1 - 2 drinks.. I've totally cut sodas from my diet.
    Regarding food, I eat egg whites or a small bowl of cereal for breakfast, if i get hungry during the day I'll have one of those balance outdoor bars, for lunch i'll have something like a turkey burger, garden burger, tuna, or a wrap from this nutritional store (usually the 97% fat-free roast beef or the thai chicken wrap), then i'll usually have a shake after i workout, and for dinner it varies.. its usually a healthy meal.. chicken cutlet, lean steak.. etc. and at night i may have another bar. in the past few months, i've actually seen great improvement from the past.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    I think your training split is pretty good. I follow a similar pattern with good success. If you want to add size and mass, I would cut the CV to 1 or 2 sessions until your ready to cut up.

    As for the diet I think that could be improved. Eating bars, or processed food isn't great for muscle growth.

    Heres a basic diet, you may find of interest:

    Egg Whites

    Weight-gainer; i.e. Prolab N-Large

    Tuna/ L/F Cottage Cheese

    Tuna/Potatoes/Cottage Cheese
    Protein Shake

    Weight Gainer

    Chicken Breast Bagel

    Chicken/Salmon/Lean Beef/etc
    Brocaili and Other Veg

    Before Bed
    Protein Shake

    What we're looking for is small regluar meals eating every 2-3 hours with a good balance of Protein/Carbs and Low fat.

    Have a look at the above modify for your life style and I think you can grow some more before you need gear.

    Hope this is useful


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    New York

    Newbie looking to get shreaded

    lookin for some info any one on

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    HOLY HELL this thread is like 6yrs old .. USE THE SEARCH BUTTON

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mannyrsx
    lookin for some info any one on
    bumping old threads? I think you've found it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    6 year old bumps....LMAO

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