Hello forum,
I am planning my first cycle. I am 24, weight 200 pounds 12%bodyfat(winter in canada for you!) height 6'2. I am not near my max natural weight, but I would like to speed up the process somewhat. I have been lifting solidly, with a clean diet for 6 months and have gained some decent mass but am starting to slow in mass gains. My goal is to gain 20 solid pounds of muscle, AND KEEP IT!!! I am not interested in becoming a monster, so a single cycle should hopefully suffice my needs. I currently have 500 mg of dbol and am considering test e 250mg every sixth day,(Works out to 300mg a week)for an 8 week cycle with nolvadex 20mg throughout and pct clomid. I don't want mega sides, so would some deca at the same dosage as the test help my achieve my goals, or could I do it on just test e myself??? Any tips would be great. Remember!!! I want to keep these gains!!!