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Thread: Cycle Advice!!!All Comments Appreciated!

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Cycle Advice!!!All Comments Appreciated!

    Hello forum,

    I am planning my first cycle. I am 24, weight 200 pounds 12%bodyfat(winter in canada for you!) height 6'2. I am not near my max natural weight, but I would like to speed up the process somewhat. I have been lifting solidly, with a clean diet for 6 months and have gained some decent mass but am starting to slow in mass gains. My goal is to gain 20 solid pounds of muscle, AND KEEP IT!!! I am not interested in becoming a monster, so a single cycle should hopefully suffice my needs. I currently have 500 mg of dbol and am considering test e 250mg every sixth day,(Works out to 300mg a week)for an 8 week cycle with nolvadex 20mg throughout and pct clomid. I don't want mega sides, so would some deca at the same dosage as the test help my achieve my goals, or could I do it on just test e myself??? Any tips would be great. Remember!!! I want to keep these gains!!!

  2. #2
    you wanna get a little bigger.. but not too big.
    i'd suggest Nox, creatine, more whey and heavy lifting.
    good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The South Side
    with test e, d-bol, deca & alot of eating you will be able to put on some serious mass and keep it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The South Side
    500mg test e/wk, 400-500mg deca/wk, & 20-30mg dbol/day should work well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    as ur a 1st timer id just stick to the test only cycle of 500mg/wk for 10weeks, frontload wit some dbol for weeks 1 - 4 at 30mgED

  6. #6
    Will this cycle inhibit my natural test production in the long run???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    it will shut u down for as long as ur on the cycle and the few weeks coming off it, thats why its important to have good PCT in place, if PCT is done correctly then it wont shut u down in the long run

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