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  1. #1
    ravaz is offline Associate Member
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    Exclamation Acne on the back..

    What's up all..

    Just have a simple question.. I'm on a Deca /Dbol /Sus cycle for the past 4 1/2 weeks, and I've noticed the acne on
    my back increasing.. It's nothing that is real nasty, just a few here and there and an occasional big one. One of the
    women that I am seeing pointed it out last night when we were in bed and told me it's getting bad, now what's nasty
    to her isn't nasty to me or most guys, you all know how women are. I don't really care that I have a few, but I do
    want to keep it under control, especially if the women are pointing it out, though one thing she loves is all the mass
    that I have gained Anyone else have this happen? If so would you mind sharing what you have done to put this
    under control? Thanks all, I appreciate it.


  2. #2
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Totally normally I have had same problem from same cycle, keep area clean and get some cream.

    It personnally doesn't bother me but I know what you mean.


  3. #3
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    LOL...ya bro it's "normal", especially for the CLASSIC of ALL cycles....the 'ole Sust/Deca /Dbol ...

    Anyway, there is plenty you can do. OTC, yo u can get vitamin B5, start at 1g(1000mg) a day, and work your way up to as much as 5g as need be. It should reduce frequencyy. Now that you got frequency under control, try going to a tanning salon. Not only will you look better, and your muscles will as well...but you will be roasting those bad boys to their death. Make sure to shower at least twice a day, and as soon as outta the shower, get some neutrogena body clear(body cream) which has ingredients to control and eliminate body breakouts. I've heard one guy even you use HYDROGEN PEROXIDE on 'em , and it seemed to work like a charm. Maybe even try Clearasil's Benzoyl Peroxide. It's meant for your face, but it works very good on MY face, so why not a back?? It dries you up quick. Hope that helped.


    PS : A last resort could be Accutane but I don't think that is necessary.

  4. #4
    Skrilla is offline New Member
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    One thing that a lot of people overlook is their bed sheets. I would recomend washing them at least every other day. Also (too late now) but for upcoming cycles start your acne prevention/control a few weeks before you even start your cycle. By the time you get it there is not too much you can do. Hope this helps.--Skrilla

  5. #5
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Try and get as much air as possible to the infected areas this also helps to dry the little buggers out.Try and keep the skin clean and dry because the acne is formed when the hair folicles/pores become infected with bacteria from the oil your skin produces.


  6. #6
    organized_konfusion's Avatar
    organized_konfusion is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2009
    try head and shoulders on your back, or go to your pcp and get clindomycin Rx (it's a roll-on med)

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