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  1. #1
    jeter557629 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Cycle Questions and Advice

    heres what i have on hand and plan on doing in the next month.....i want to lean up a bit more before i currently 5 10 190 at approx 16%BF...finished up a SUS/DBOL cycle about 6 weeks ago...

    Week 1-6
    Testosterone Cypionate /500 mg EQ/400 mg Nolvadex /20 mg/Day Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day
    week 7-10
    Testosterone Cypionate /500 mg EQ/400 mg Winstrol 50mg/Day Nolvadex/20 mg/Day Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

    week 11-12
    Winstrol 50mg/Day Nolvadex/20 mg/Day Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

    and week 13-15
    Clomid Therapy Clomid Therapy Nolvadex/20 mg/Day Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

    The cycle is set...this is what I decied to go with after much advice from the boards.......I have some questions and need advice...


    I typically train very heavy and to failure and just enough cardio to keep my BF down when Im on cycle...I also typically eat very clean and very often with at least 40G of protein with each meal.....My objective this time around is to get as lean and hard as possible while building quality muscle....this is kind of a catch-22 to me in the sense that if i want to build muscle and get strong I have to eat alot and gain some weight...but at the same time i want to get lean and most likely increase the cardio....i feel like they will contradict one another...What is the best way to address my goals?????? the past i just wanted to get big and I want to start looking like someone that has a chance to get on stage and compete

    Question about injecting....

    In the past i have injected in each glute (1 1/2in pin) and shoulders (5/8in pin) 2X a i have to shoot winny ED weeks 7-12...the question is where should i inject and what size pin??? fear is scar tissue build up...ive never shot winny so im not sure what to expect.......

    also are there any issues mixing the EQ and CYP in th same pin???? what about EQ CYP and Winny????....should i be splitting all 3 up durign the week????

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    meat is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    do a search on inj. sights i read a lot of ****e on where to rotate sights for ed inj. for example you could inj L. glute R. glute L. delt R.delt L.thigh R. thigh ect. the combinations go for ever find the correct proceedure for inj. each site and use whats most comfortable for you just try not to use the same site more than once per week .....hope that helps maybe some one will have better advice to give you on the other Qs ...good luck

  3. #3
    Dimes's Avatar
    Dimes is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Puerto Rico
    I recomend you waqit some more time till your next cycle and do some more research on a couple of things, good luck

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