Ok, its time again
I am thinking
500mg Test E / 10wk
30mg dbol / 6wks
225mg Tren / 6-10wks
Anyone want to critique, I've just done 2 small 500mg week cycles before, saw moderate gains, nothing crazy, I'm just not thinking its time to up to 750 just yet, instead I added dbol for 6 wks and tren at the end for a little hardening. I could cut the dbol down to 4wks, and save some cash, but I want full results from it, anyone think I should cut it to 4wks instead of 6? I could then up the tren, and run it from wk 4-10. I guess what i am asking is, Tren or dbol? I wanna get thick as hell, and stronger. I'm 6'2 230lbs 16%, big guy, but I'd like to be alot bigger.