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Thread: anavar, halo, hair loss, stamina loss?

  1. #1

    anavar, halo, hair loss, stamina loss?

    I've done a lot of research on this board and what I hear people saying is that if you are a wrestler, like myself, who needs strength at a low body weight, with huge stamina you have two options

    1. take anavar with a low dose of test. If you take anavar by itself you'll have no test, no agression and your stamina will be gone. I actually read a post by a guy who said anavar was the worst thing he ever took and that it took him 6 months to get his stamina back to normal.

    2. Take halo. It will give you strength at a low body weight and you'll have tons of agression.

    But with option 1, by taking test you have pretty bad side effects right? I don't want to lose any hair. That's the real issue. And with option 2, halo causes major hair loss right?

    I'm really not sure what to do. I want to be strong with tremendous stamina, stay at my same weight 170, and keep all of my hair and not have my practices suffer. Any thoughts?


  2. #2


    I remember last year, my coach took anavar and deca. He just took the stuff without knowing anything about pct or anything. Man, that guy lost all stamina, I could toy with him during practice. My stamina is what I pride myself on. I can do non stop. I don't want to loose that. It's the most important thing aside from strength, and my hair of course. Who gives a **** how good I am at pinning some dude if I can't get a chick.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    many AS, like tren, will kill your stamina, especially at high doses. low dose test/eq + var or halo won't hurt your stamina. actually has some effects (increasing red blood cell count) that will increase endurance.
    I agree bro Tren will do a number on your stamina. Last year i ran tren during pre season training and each friday we do a 7 mile run through this canyon, and my usual time is around 42-45 min but while on tren my time was 49-52 min plus for some reason my ankles and feet would sweel up during the run and go completly run, stay away from tren bro.

  4. #4
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by
    I've done a lot of research on this board and what I hear people saying is that if you are a wrestler, like myself, who needs strength at a low body weight, with huge stamina you have two options

    1. take anavar with a low dose of test. If you take anavar by itself you'll have no test, no agression and your stamina will be gone. I actually read a post by a guy who said anavar was the worst thing he ever took and that it took him 6 months to get his stamina back to normal.

    2. Take halo. It will give you strength at a low body weight and you'll have tons of agression.

    But with option 1, by taking test you have pretty bad side effects right? I don't want to lose any hair. That's the real issue. And with option 2, halo causes major hair loss right?

    I'm really not sure what to do. I want to be strong with tremendous stamina, stay at my same weight 170, and keep all of my hair and not have my practices suffer. Any thoughts?

    How old are you?

  5. #5
    unless you are genetically predisposed to become bald steroids will not make you bald. Genetically speaking, if you your moms dad is bald then you are genetically predisposed to be bald. Hope it helps.

  6. #6


    thanks guys. carlos, i'm 25 and my mother's father has all his hair so i think i'll be alright. how bad is halo for you? maximillion have you ever done halo and how did that affect your wrestling?

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