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Thread: MY PROP bottle has crystals in it...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    South Florida

    MY PROP bottle has crystals in it...

    My PROP bottle has formed crystals in it, i was told to put the bottle in hot hot water over the boilers with a 20G needle in the top of it, and wait for about 5 minutes untill the crystals were gone.....The needle touched the oil a bit and a little came out.....i was told also to put about 1/2ml of BA in it so the crystals dont come back.

    1) Does boiling to have any effect on the oil, just scares me to see the gear in water that hot.

    2) Besides the crystals causing pain when injecting, do they have any effect on the doasge?

    3) Is my bottle underdosage after adding more BA?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Sounds like your prop crashed, im guessing you made it yourself. I would put it in boiling water and let the crystals dissapate. Im suprised it happened with your prop, I've only seen it happen in my cyp. You should also refilter the product after you take it out of boiling water.

    1. No, it will be fine. Don't keep it on too long, just enough for the crystals to dissapate. Try taking out the vial once in a while and swirl the oil around a little.

    2. You don't want to inject the crystals, it could easily cause an absess. You can't keep the oil like it is and inject it.

    3. If you do add more BA, it will become underdosed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    South Florida
    thank you very much....

    one last thing, is the underdoage really significant?
    i mean its a 30ml bottle and 100mg...
    what can the underdosage be on an average?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I wouldn't even add anymore BA, but if you wanted to, it wouldn't effect it much. I was never really good with the math part of converting, but adding 1/2ml of BA into a 30ml vial would not change the dosage much. And even still, you would be getting a constant dosage in every shot still, of 95-98mg prop.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I had the same problem and I PMed a couple MODs about it. This is a advice I was given...

    It is very common. You dont want to boil your gear, get some water pretty hot and put your vial in the water for a bit, take it out and shake it up.... repeat this process till your prop is saturated again.

    < it was also prop with me too >

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