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  1. #1
    Mikol is offline New Member
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    What good to stack with Anavar for strenght???

    I am looking to do an eight week cycle of
    Ananvar at 40mg/ED. What's your opion on what to stack with it my goals are to harden up and get a lot stronger, what will aid with strenght gains and not give two much weight gain. Should I go with another oral or injectable?

  2. #2
    Jackman's Avatar
    Jackman is offline Banned
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    dont use oral only. Get some test in there with it.

  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    300mg test cyp...

    siince you didn't list alot of information.. i assume this is your 1st cycle..

    if it is..

    you should be doing test only..
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  4. #4
    spooledup's Avatar
    spooledup is offline Banned
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    Don't listen to these guys. Test only sucks IMO.

    If your goals are to put on a minimum of weight and get some decent strenght gains then a var only cycle would do fine. It also wouldn't be nearly as suppressive, the gains would be close to 100% retainable, and you'll have virtually no sides. Many guys on this board (including myself) do var only cycles and are very happy with the results.

    Stack it with EQ if it's your first cycle.
    Last edited by spooledup; 11-02-2004 at 07:14 PM.

  5. #5
    bignatt's Avatar
    bignatt is offline Anabolic Member
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    i know a few who take var only cycles i havent myself but they get decent results so i think its all about your body composition

  6. #6
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikol
    I am looking to do an eight week cycle of
    Ananvar at 40mg/ED. What's your opion on what to stack with it my goals are to harden up and get a lot stronger, what will aid with strenght gains and not give two much weight gain. Should I go with another oral or injectable?
    var solo is some good stuff, but if you want to add something, prop would be ideal. I like var to start midcycle personally, and then I keep all the gains and keep getting stronger even during recovery.

  7. #7
    mitch428cj's Avatar
    mitch428cj is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    dont use oral only. Get some test in there with it.

  8. #8
    NickV344's Avatar
    NickV344 is offline Junior Member
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    If I were you I would do EQ , Anavar and for an extra goodie you could throw in some Halotestin but halo not exactly the best stuff for you i wouldnt take it but it works real well for strength and agressiveness alot of boxers take that stuff.

  9. #9
    powerlifterjay's Avatar
    powerlifterjay is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spooledup
    Don't listen to these guys. Test only sucks IMO.

    If your goals are to put on a minimum of weight and get some decent strenght gains then a var only cycle would do fine. It also wouldn't be nearly as suppressive, the gains would be close to 100% retainable, and you'll have virtually no sides. Many guys on this board (including myself) do var only cycles and are very happy with the results.

    Stack it with EQ if it's your first cycle.

    Var only cycles are for females. Unless your just trying to get hard for a photo shoot or something. Try a minimum of 500mg a week of test (any test it doesn't really matter) and throw your var in to keep water weight at a minimum and hardness. Run this for at least 16 weeks or more and train like you have a set. Bench, squat,deadlift leave the machines for the guys that work just upper body and always tell you how they use to have big legs. Once you have a good base then adjust your training for your individual goals. Also if your scared of needles don't use steroids , oral only cycles are very hard on the liver, lymphatic and cardiovascular system. The afro has spoken. And since this is your first cycle welcome to the darkside !! We have cookies!!

  10. #10
    Jackman's Avatar
    Jackman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterjay
    Var only cycles are for females. Unless your just trying to get hard for a photo shoot or something. Try a minimum of 500mg a week of test (any test it doesn't really matter) and throw your var in to keep water weight at a minimum and hardness. Run this for at least 16 weeks or more and train like you have a set. Bench, squat,deadlift leave the machines for the guys that work just upper body and always tell you how they use to have big legs. Once you have a good base then adjust your training for your individual goals. Also if your scared of needles don't use steroids , oral only cycles are very hard on the liver, lymphatic and cardiovascular system. The afro has spoken. And since this is your first cycle welcome to the darkside !! We have cookies!!
    I agree with the female part, men are suppose to have test! grow some balls

  11. #11
    Theedge's Avatar
    Theedge is offline Junior Member
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    What if this guy is not a bodybuilder and has specific goals for a specific sport? Maybe he doesn't want the added bullshi* that comes along with Test. Maybe he doesn't want any excessive weight gain, and his main goal is strenth..Var would be perfect for him, I think Primo would be a good choice to throw in with it for his goals.

  12. #12
    mitch428cj's Avatar
    mitch428cj is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theedge
    What if this guy is not a bodybuilder and has specific goals for a specific sport? Maybe he doesn't want the added bullshi* that comes along with Test. Maybe he doesn't want any excessive weight gain, and his main goal is strenth..Var would be perfect for him, I think Primo would be a good choice to throw in with it for his goals.
    Test. Prop and anti e's w/ the Var

  13. #13
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    I agree with the female part, men are suppose to have test! grow some balls

    Agreed that test makes a big difference, but if you can afford it and do not want to use test for whatever reasons, a var only cycle will produce results, limited as they might be. I have made significant gains off cycle from var, great strength increases and this was during crash time too. After a while, we get so used to sticking ourselves daily or 2x a day, that we don't even consider a var only cycle a real cycle. In reality, it is a cycle, but one that will produce limited results with few side effects (for a positive)

  14. #14
    Latimus's Avatar
    Latimus is offline Banned
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    creatine lol

  15. #15
    Anhydro78's Avatar
    Anhydro78 is offline Anabolic Member
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    If your not intrested in weight gain you could stack it with winstrol and a small maintnance dose of Testosterone 200mgs a week or so. 50mgs of prop everyday or something like that. Dont eat for a bulking cycle and your not gonna gain any weight.

    I allways love it when people mention that they are cycling the exact same way a female would. Intresting to try to understand those goals.

  16. #16
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    8 weeks and strength, I'd go prop/fina/var my strength went through the roof


  17. #17
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    8 weeks and strength, I'd go prop/fina/var my strength went through the roof


    Or the poorer man's prop/fina/winny... wish i could afford var!

  18. #18
    GrantC5 is offline Associate Member
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    I allways love it when people mention that they are cycling the exact same way a female would. Intresting to try to understand those goals. QUOTE

    If you have already established a good amount of mass and want to take out some of the bloat I think a Var only cycle is the way to go. It is also a good way to stay strong and hard after a long cycle without many side effects. I am planning on doing it myself just to get a break from a strong cycle. I love the "I am to cockkk deisel to do a girly cycle attitude" comical.lmfao

  19. #19
    powerlifterjay's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Theedge
    What if this guy is not a bodybuilder and has specific goals for a specific sport? Maybe he doesn't want the added bullshi* that comes along with Test. Maybe he doesn't want any excessive weight gain, and his main goal is strenth..Var would be perfect for him, I think Primo would be a good choice to throw in with it for his goals.
    Here let me explain this to you . You say add primo. And primo is what ? "TEST" why spend $20 an amp on primo when you can just get enthanate and take a lower dosage and save alot of money. This is a bodybuilding and powerlifting board for the most part so you are going to get advice based on such. If you are looking for help geared to a certain sport or goal, state that goal and people can advise more specifically. I do consider var only and clen cycles to be geared more toward the goals of woman fitness and bodybuilders than men. But then again i'm 6'0 250 and have a powerlifting phylosophy. So if you don't like the advice I give look the other way or state things clearer and I will help ou the best I can.

  20. #20
    Theedge's Avatar
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    Hey, its not my Thread...And I never said I didn't like your advice. The title of this website is "Anabolic Reveiw" Nowhere does say anything about Bodybuilding or Powerlifting. But when a guys specifically says " I want to harden up a little and get stronger without weightgain" I can relate to that thinking because I'm a professional athlete wanting the same goals. That is the ony reason I threw out the possiblity that he might not want bodybuilding advice. And also I was under the impression that Anavar was a spinoff of TEST as well. So couldn't you say the same thing about Var "go out and get some bla bla test and save alot of money over the anavar? I'm not trying to show you up at all..just looking at it from a different perspective.

  21. #21
    powerlifterjay's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    I understand what your saying but the simple fact is with more strength comes size. If your not looking to get bigger because you play a certain sport then just state that, if all you want to do is harden up to look good for the beach say that to. Read the threads on this forum 90% of them are geared toward bodybuilding and powerlifting and how to enhance strength with size. This is the thinking of most people including myself when you ask what to add with a cycle. The truth is most people always start out that I don't want to get to big and trust me you won't unless you REALLY try to. The real things to learn on this board is what causes water retention and bloat and also what drugs are highly anabolic compared to highly androgenic drugs and what effects each drug have directly on the skeletal muscle. Also be aware of estrogen levels and how to manipulate them. I made it clear in the other reply that my advice is just that and all you have to do is look the other way if its not what your looking for. Thats not a hit at you directly , just in general for everyone. I have around 10 years of drug study experiance and around 7 years of use experiance so I try to help out any way I can. But by no means do I claim to be an expert. The best cycle I ever did for strength was 500mg omnadren weekly with 50mg oral winny and .25mg arimidex daily for around 6 months. The strength was through the roof and I was very,very hard and lean. I gained a total of around 20lbs which after almost two years of drug free training now I still have.

  22. #22
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    I ran prop and var for 8 weeks and my strength went through the roof. put on about 20 pounds as well, mostly from prop I imagine. Still, i was mostly impressed with the strength.

  23. #23
    Theedge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterjay
    I understand what your saying but the simple fact is with more strength comes size. If your not looking to get bigger because you play a certain sport then just state that, if all you want to do is harden up to look good for the beach say that to. Read the threads on this forum 90% of them are geared toward bodybuilding and powerlifting and how to enhance strength with size. This is the thinking of most people including myself when you ask what to add with a cycle. The truth is most people always start out that I don't want to get to big and trust me you won't unless you REALLY try to. The real things to learn on this board is what causes water retention and bloat and also what drugs are highly anabolic compared to highly androgenic drugs and what effects each drug have directly on the skeletal muscle. Also be aware of estrogen levels and how to manipulate them. I made it clear in the other reply that my advice is just that and all you have to do is look the other way if its not what your looking for. Thats not a hit at you directly , just in general for everyone. I have around 10 years of drug study experiance and around 7 years of use experiance so I try to help out any way I can. But by no means do I claim to be an expert. The best cycle I ever did for strength was 500mg omnadren weekly with 50mg oral winny and .25mg arimidex daily for around 6 months. The strength was through the roof and I was very,very hard and lean. I gained a total of around 20lbs which after almost two years of drug free training now I still have.
    Hey Bro, I really didn't mean to offend you in any way, I just try and do the best I can to decipher opinions on this board and others. I have to take advice from guys like you that know more than most of us, with the understanding that most of your experience has to do with Bodybuilding and powerlifting...Not trying to increase Bat Speed, Foot Speed or Throwing strength. I want to know the compounds that will increase fast twitch power. But I apppreciate your knowledge and experience.

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