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  1. #1
    Hawkman44's Avatar
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    Mixing HCG and Test

    Is it ok to mix HCG with Test-C... and inject at the same time?

  2. #2
    not2bigyet's Avatar
    not2bigyet is offline Member
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    yes, they will not blend however due to one being water based and the other oil based...

  3. #3
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    I always shoot hcg at night. I wouldnt mix, but if you can mix a water base and oil base what is the difference

  4. #4
    Muscleone is offline Associate Member
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    Test and HCG

    I wouldn't try to mix the two since one is oil and one is water based. Pins are cheap and this may prevent you from possibly wasting your HCG . HCG will be good about keeping your natural testosterone working and keeping your balls low for the women.

  5. #5
    Anhydro78's Avatar
    Anhydro78 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You can mix them guy it doesnt matter.

  6. #6
    meat is offline Associate Member
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    i thought that you should only run hcg on extended period high dosed cycles of 20 wks or more ? if hcg can aid in keeping your nat. test from shutting down completely while on a cycle then why is that not preached like they do about nolva and clomid?

  7. #7
    BigGenes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meat
    i thought that you should only run hcg on extended period high dosed cycles of 20 wks or more ? if hcg can aid in keeping your nat. test from shutting down completely while on a cycle then why is that not preached like they do about nolva and clomid?
    I don't see the harm in it. Other than I know guys that think for some reason when you mix water and oil(ex. winnie and test) you raise your chances of an abcess. I never knew why or cared to know why. I know plunty of guys that have done it and nothing ever happened to them. I see no problem in it and I don't see how it would waste any HCG . As a matter of fact you would sav some HCG by doing this. Very small amount, but the hub of the syrenge wouldn't be all HCG or all test so technically you save a small amount of both by injecting them together.

    Now Meat I don't understand you post. Do you mean that you only use HCG when you have a long steroid cycle? If so that is true. If you don't use it you loose it my friend. HCG is nothing like nolva or clomid. Its synthetic LH. Lutenizing(sp way off) hormone. It tricks your body basically. So you start producing again even though your not done with the juice. So its like starting an old car once a month, just to keep it running for win you feel like driving it again.

  8. #8
    meat is offline Associate Member
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    i used HCG after my last cycle and people have been telling me ever since then that all i need to run is clomid and save the HCG for a longer cycle i understand that hcg use is like puting your body back through puberty and all but i just thought it was interesting to hear about running it concurrent with your cycle to maintain nuts right now now i have clomid and 5000 iuc of pregnal now my ? is would it help any to run a certain amount of hcg throughout my cycle and then pct with clomid ,oh i also plan on using letro . my cycle: frontload cyp @ 1000 mg wk1 500mg wk 2-12 front load deca @ 600 mg wk1 300 mg wk 2-10 DBOL 25mg ed wk 1-4 letro and clomid ....sorry to sound dumb im still learning this hcg stuff ,thanks for the input

  9. #9
    BigGenes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meat
    i used HCG after my last cycle and people have been telling me ever since then that all i need to run is clomid and save the HCG for a longer cycle i understand that hcg use is like puting your body back through puberty and all but i just thought it was interesting to hear about running it concurrent with your cycle to maintain nuts right now now i have clomid and 5000 iuc of pregnal now my ? is would it help any to run a certain amount of hcg throughout my cycle and then pct with clomid ,oh i also plan on using letro . my cycle: frontload cyp @ 1000 mg wk1 500mg wk 2-12 front load deca @ 600 mg wk1 300 mg wk 2-10 DBOL 25mg ed wk 1-4 letro and clomid ....sorry to sound dumb im still learning this hcg stuff ,thanks for the input
    Sorry man, but I am confused. Please re-write this. I wanta help but its late and that was kinda jumbled togther. Map out the cycle you wanta take and then show me what your thinking of adding in. If your lost on any doses than put that in there too.

  10. #10
    meat is offline Associate Member
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    sorry bro i work graveyard and some times i garble $#!t up. alright i plan on running the cycle on the above post and after reading about being able to minimize the shut down of your nat. test production by administering hcg throughout a cycle i was wondreing if it would be worth it to run ,say 500 iu every wk or so im not to sure of the exact dosing , but then i also remember that hcg is highly estrogenic and i think that would cause a problem. i dont believe that im prone to gyno but prevenetive medicine is better than any cure . thanks

  11. #11
    BigGenes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meat
    sorry bro i work graveyard and some times i garble $#!t up. alright i plan on running the cycle on the above post and after reading about being able to minimize the shut down of your nat. test production by administering hcg throughout a cycle i was wondreing if it would be worth it to run ,say 500 iu every wk or so im not to sure of the exact dosing , but then i also remember that hcg is highly estrogenic and i think that would cause a problem. i dont believe that im prone to gyno but prevenetive medicine is better than any cure . thanks
    But your cycle is only for 12 weeks. You don't need HCG for that. Or am I missing something. Look how about this. Just let me design you a cycle right quick. Make a post on your stats,(all of them), what you want to gain, bulk or cut, little of both, what did you have in mind ect....And I will do the rest. Oh and also let me know when the last cycle you took was and how big it was. , Make a new post though.

  12. #12
    Anhydro78's Avatar
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    The reason it was used sparingly in the past is because most used it high doses. When used like this it has been shown to cause damage by desensitizing your testicals to LH. This is also why its not good to use during PCT. But by using it in 500iu doses it doesnt have this effect. I personally think that any cycle 12 weeks ( just my opinion)or more needs HCG in it using it 500ius twice a week every other week starting week 6 of the cycle and ending its use before PCT. It helps with recovery when used like this when you perform PCT. It has helped me keep my gains when used like this. I dont think it keeps you from shutting down natural testosterone completely it just keeps your glands from fully shrivilen up..

  13. #13
    BigSexy50's Avatar
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  14. #14
    Stumbo's Avatar
    Stumbo is offline Senior Member
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    tribulus doesnt begin to compare with HCG

  15. #15
    Jay Man's Avatar
    Jay Man is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumbo
    tribulus doesnt begin to compare with HCG
    I agree, I like Trib but it is nothing like HCG . I just recently found that out and now I will always use HCG in the middle of my cycle and at the end prior to starting PCT.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    you can mix but it can be harder to get rid of the air bubbles, especially if they mix together (as opposed to remaining as two separate layers in the syringe)

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