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  1. #1
    Sicofit24's Avatar
    Sicofit24 is offline Female Member
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    Ephedra and Ephedrine

    Guys (and gals if any read this)
    Help me out here...

    If in anyway at all.. are the two Ephedra and Ephedrine the same?
    I know one is herbal vs. one being an RX for Asthma.. but this little **** *not here* is arguing with me so Id rather have an answer from one of you vs. the words that I would end up telling him.

    Also if you use Ephedrine with just caffeine will it give you a speedy effect?
    Ive personally only ever tried the complete stack for that (ECA).

    One more thing.. if you were to take just ephedrine for its "speedy effect" wouldn't you eventually burn out your tolerance for them? Well not your tolernace but the effect they have on you?


  2. #2
    t-money's Avatar
    t-money is offline Member
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    Ephedra is an alkaloid of the chemical Ephedrine. Ephedra usually comes in the herbal form of Ma Huang, until recently since the FDA banned it. They both will have the same effects. Increased HR, nervousness, insomnia, and increased energy and metabolism.

    Hope this helps. Any other bros feel free to chime in...

    I did an extensive research paper on Ephedrine in if I could just find where I put it...


  3. #3
    t-money's Avatar
    t-money is offline Member
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    Combining Ephedra and Caffiene will give you the 'speedy effect'. Both of these are powerful stimulant drugs. As with most drugs, over time you will build a tolerance to them and have to increase the dosage in order to get the same effect as the first time...before you know it you have an addiction or your heart explodes and your insides burn up.

    I personally stocked up on Ephedra-based thermos before the ban.

    I do not ever suggest these supplements to people because they can be dangerous. Some people think that if some is good, more is better.


  4. #4
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Ephedra is a herb called Ma Huang that contains ephedrine and other alkaloids.......... A product that contains ephedrine will give you a faster response because your body needs to process or extract the ephedrine from the ephedra.

    Yes you will feel the "speedy" effect with just ephedrine and caffeine...... You would still get that responce from the ephedrine alone..... at least I do. The asprin helps with the fat burning abilities of all 3.

    The longer you run ephedrine or ephedra the more you will need to use to get the same effect.

  5. #5
    Sicofit24's Avatar
    Sicofit24 is offline Female Member
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    May 2004
    Thanks guys!!!

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