Ok guys, i am looking to run a cycle of test. I would like to throw in some deca and eq, but kinda short on dough. I was gonna buy 2 bottles, and run them for 10 weeks at 400 mg. a week. Everything i have read on different boards and researched told me those are the doses i should use. Well the other day 2 juice vets from my gym told me my dosage was too high, they told me for a begginer (this is my first cycle by the way, and i have done my homework on it, i am jsut getting confused) i would just need 1 bottle of testl not 2 for 10 weeks. Well i wanted to get on here and see what u guys think, is 1 bottle of test for 10 weeks enough, and will i get sufficient gains from it (i was wanting 10-15lbs.), or should i stick with the 2 bottles. Oh, and one other question, is tapering the doses really necessary??