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Thread: My last two cycles

  1. #1

    My last two cycles

    I'm a newbie to the board but have read most of the threads
    42 yrs old, 220lb powerlifter. Did mostly drugfree meets till this last year.
    best lifts 760 sq, 545 bp, 661 dl, 1966 total
    not bad for an old fart

    10 weeks of Test Cyp - 1cc per week
    7 weeks of Sustanon 250 - 1 1/2 cc per week
    D bol .25mg - 3 time per week on squat, bench and deadlift days

    Hope to read a lot more of good info from the boards

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    620 do need to read alot on this board...your dbol use is somewhat of a joke. What are your ideas on your upcoming cycle, if there is one? I don't know whose been messing with you about AAS and how to use 'em but I wouldn't trust that fella' anymore...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    u should use dbol ED for 4 weeks to jumpstart a cycle...test cyp for 500mg/wk with nolva followed by pct with clomid and nolva

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    My strange answer to this....

    Quote Originally Posted by pwrlift220
    I'm a newbie to the board but have read most of the threads
    42 yrs old, 220lb powerlifter. Did mostly drugfree meets till this last year.
    best lifts 760 sq, 545 bp, 661 dl, 1966 total
    not bad for an old fart

    10 weeks of Test Cyp - 1cc per week
    7 weeks of Sustanon 250 - 1 1/2 cc per week
    D bol .25mg - 3 time per week on squat, bench and deadlift days

    Hope to read a lot more of good info from the boards
    1st I'd like to say welcome to AR...good to have ya here...2nd congrats on those great i'm now pro when it come to gear but I gotta say anyone that can put up those lifts with that weight/age is freakin awsome in my eyes. #3 I believe in low dosages for me..cause I know what I wanna look like..but I do follow certain guide lines. You'll find great basic guide lines here..Like basic test cycles 250-500mg-->10-12 weeks..Some peeps believe sust should be shot eod-(great debates on that issue) and D ball 25-30mgs 4 weeks in the beginning of the cycle.. You got great lifts @ a lean body weight so low dosages might be good for you...research and see what best fits you...oh yea no matter what kinda a cycle you use always have pct..theres a section on that (pct) on this site..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MR PHATT ASS
    1st I'd like to say welcome to AR...good to have ya here...2nd congrats on those great i'm now pro when it come to gear but I gotta say anyone that can put up those lifts with that weight/age is freakin awsome in my eyes. #3 I believe in low dosages for me..cause I know what I wanna look like..but I do follow certain guide lines. You'll find great basic guide lines here..Like basic test cycles 250-500mg-->10-12 weeks..Some peeps believe sust should be shot eod-(great debates on that issue) and D ball 25-30mgs 4 weeks in the beginning of the cycle.. You got great lifts @ a lean body weight so low dosages might be good for you...research and see what best fits you...oh yea no matter what kinda a cycle you use always have pct..theres a section on that (pct) on this site..
    Nice response!

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