Sometimes near the end of a 10 week cycle I can feel discomfort in the prostate area. Now I was thinking about using Proscar ed during a cycle to combat prostate problems. Any vets or anyone know what kind of dosage I would need to run ed?
Sometimes near the end of a 10 week cycle I can feel discomfort in the prostate area. Now I was thinking about using Proscar ed during a cycle to combat prostate problems. Any vets or anyone know what kind of dosage I would need to run ed?
Cool thanks!![]()
Much as I hate to take issue with my distinguished colleague sk* (), I must cordially do so here. (Y'all gotta admit, this is a freakin' civil board.
Proscar (Finasteride) is the same drug as Propecia, which is used to treat male pattern baldness. Proscar is supplied as a 5 mg. tablet, while Propecia is supplied as a 1 mg. tablet. The clinical indication (reason for using) Proscar is symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate, in order to improve symptoms, reduce the risk of acute urinary retention, and reduce the risk of the need for surgery on the prostate. The therapeutic dose for Proscar is 5 mg. once a day.
Therefore, a quarter of a tablet is not indicated for prostate symptoms.
Now, Jersey Juice, here's my advice for what it's worth: Be nice to yuour prostate, and it will be nice to you. If you feel you are having any type of symptoms that involve your prostate, get it checked out by a doctor.
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men. It's also the most successfully treatable and, if caught early, you can recover from it completely.
Checking out the prostate is quite easy, and can be done two ways. (In fact, it should be done both ways.) The first is the doctor's good ol' finger up the butt. Guys, I know that most of you don't like the thought of this, but it can be a lifesaver. And you will live through it. There's actually a clinical term for it - the digital rectal exam (DRE) - and it allows the doctor to physically check the size and texture of the prostate. The other method is a simple blood test - the prostate specific antigen (PSA), and it's recommended for anyone over 40 years old (as well as younger people if you have any prostate cancer in your family history).
So, JJ, my advice is to hed to the doctor and have your butt schtupped. Seriously. (In fact, for any males who get annual physical exams, if your doctor doesn't shove his finger up your butt as a routne matter, find another doctor.)
As you may be aware, benign prostate enlargement can be caused by AS use, and is specifically listed as a potential side effect of testosterone. Chances are that you do not have prostate cancer, but why take any risk? It's curable at the early stage, but deadly if it goes untreated. Getting it checked out is no hassle, and well worth it.
As for the Proscar, nix it. If you need Proscar, or if it will help, let your doctor prescribe it to you. When we're talking about he prostate, however, it's best not to prescribe it for yourself.
I have prostate problems and agree w/ TNT.
Good advise, I've been avoiding that whole finger thing, but I really don't want any problems. Ugh, I guess it's worth a trip.
Try to find a doctor that specializes in alternative or anti-ageing medicine. They tend to know more about the hormonal effects on the body and can also recommend natural herbal remedys that work just as well or better, without side effects.
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