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Thread: need advice

  1. #1
    luv2lft's Avatar
    luv2lft is offline New Member
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    need advice

    i researched some threads could'nt really find the answers to my questions can someone please help? i got spiropent for the first time not really quite sure the best way to take it for one. For two can or should i stack it with test 200? and last while taking clen can i take a ripped fuel or hydroxycuts on the same day?(not at same time though)

  2. #2
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    you got some spiropent? as in some Clen ??? how can you not find anything on this?

    search for "clen" using the botton at the top right of the page

  3. #3
    luv2lft's Avatar
    luv2lft is offline New Member
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    i couldnt find what i was looking for seen several diffrent ways to take it not sure which is best as far as my other two questions i didnt find answers for those

  4. #4
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    don't take it with ephedrine. i don't know if you should stack it with t200 because i don't know what your goals are.

  5. #5
    bigwillster is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    don't take it with ephedrine. i don't know if you should stack it with t200 because i don't know what your goals are.
    Why can't you take it with ephedrine. I heard that was good way of taking it. Give me some insight on this Dr.Evil. This might be a dumb question but ephedrine is something like Xenadrine right?
    Thanks evil

  6. #6
    Kaz's Avatar
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    both ephedrine and clen speed up your heart rate somewhat - take them both together and you could cause yourself some real problems espescially if you do cardio or a big lifting session as well.

    aside from that little warning..... i have heard two different opinions about the best way to take clen - there is the usual pyramid, where you start with 2 a day then 3 then 4 etc until you get to about 6. you then maintain that dose for a while.

    the second (which i do myself) is to take it for two or three days at a time then take something else for two or three days. most people do ECA (ephedrine/caffine/asprin) on the clen off days, but i cant do the ECA because of the caffine so i do ephedrine on its own on those days.

    the main thing with the second method is that because you are only on for 3 days at the most you cant build up to taking 6 tabs over time. i usually take 3 on the first day, then 4 then 6. after that im on 6 each day full stop.

    you REALLY should experiment with them a bit before doing that because (like ALL the stuff we take) they effect people differently. i only get mild shakes when i first take 6 clen but some people cant even write their own names!

    BTW the reason given for taking clen in the second way is that it can block receptors and not be so effective. im not sure about this myself, but 3 on 3 off (on something else) seems to work better for me so....

    peace bro

  7. #7
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
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    along with the health risks that kaz outlined, ephedrine partially competes for the beta-2 receptor, the receptor that clen binds to and works on. this won't do too much harm to your receptors if you use them at the same time, but on your "off" weeks, if you use ephedrin (or xenedrine) it won't allow the beta-2 receptors to recover properly, which is the whole reason for taking 2 weeks off of clen in the first place.

  8. #8
    bigwillster is offline Associate Member
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    So its okay to do lets say the clen for 2 weeks and then Xenadrine for 2 weeks and on...?

  9. #9
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by bigwillster
    So its okay to do lets say the clen for 2 weeks and then Xenadrine for 2 weeks and on...?
    many others disagree with me, but i say if you're using clen , then only use clen. don't do anything in the off weeks other than ketotifen.

  10. #10
    luv2lft's Avatar
    luv2lft is offline New Member
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    Thanks all now when i'm up to six (if i can handle six) to i take three of them two times or two of them three times? what i meant by my original question was if i took two could i later on take some kind of ephd. supplement

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