What do you guys think about masteron?
Trying to plan a second cycle: 10 weeks test prop and masteron w/ arimidex and pct. Details haven't been refined yet though.
What do you guys think about masteron?
Trying to plan a second cycle: 10 weeks test prop and masteron w/ arimidex and pct. Details haven't been refined yet though.
Masteron works really good for cutting IMO. Beware of all the fakes though, there are more fakes then real gear almost...
Well im getting it from an underground lab that makes a prop and masteron mix 100 mg of each per ml, 20 ml per vial. Each vial is $140, so i was very seriously contemplating getting it for my next cycle.
I wrote this profile on Masteron. Masteron is my favorite (non-test) compound.
I've tried TF Masteron, D*****,and Stark. I've even used Masteron Enanthenate. It's great stuff.
Currently I'm on 400mgs/week (each) of Masteron and Prop, plus some AR-R Clen and Letro.
Yeah, im thinking of going with 350 mg EW of both test prop and masteron, i know it might be better to use a slightly higher dose but its only my second cycle so it should still yeild decent gains. Im currently on my first cycle of 350 mg EW of both test prop and 1-test cypionate EOD injects, and trying to plan this out before i order the stuff and i will wait at least until my time off is the same amount of time as i was on cycle.
Thanks alot for that profile link hooker.
No worries...
Hooker, in the read you said that it could possibly cause DHT side realted effects? From your experiences and other bros that you know who have taken it, how bad is it on the hair compared to say winstrol which is probably the worst?
It is a DHT derivitive just like winstrol. I don't have hair problems personally but those that do should probably stay away from Masteron as well as winstrol. As you know with DHT derivitives even finesteride won't help your hairline.
On a side note would you have to run masteron lower than your test dose or could it be equal or even higher? It shouldn't shut you down too hard.
I shave my head...sorry...
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