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Thread: 25g in quad with test and eq okay?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    in your brainz

    25g in quad with test and eq okay?

    is it okay if i use 25 guage 1 inchers in my quads isntad of 23guage 1 inch when using tesostoerone and eq. oh yeh and how fast should i be sticking the needle in becusae it usually takes me 30 secodns to get the needle fully in? thanks, will the 25 guage also work for shoulders?
    Last edited by statuZ; 11-12-2004 at 12:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yes you can use a 25G 1 inch for shooting test and EQ in your quad. I've currently been doing it for the past 9 weeks of the cycle I am on right now. I guess it doesn't really matter how long it takes you to get the needle in as long as you get it in, but it usually only takes me maybe 5 seconds to get the needle in. And yesy the 25G will also work for shoulders. I use a 23G 1 inch for my glutes and a 25G 1 inch everywheres else.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I heard that if you use too small of a needle that the suspended test.(e) will not fit through the Lumen(inside of the needle, bore) is this BS or is there some actual truth behind this theory. I have shot prop. with a 28g 1/2" in my deltoids, however the only drawback is that it takes FOR-EVER to withdraw from the vial and also is slow for injecting(of course). What do you all think/know-plz give so background to what you state so I do not get second hand BS from a unknown source that thought it souded intellegent. I love this place.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell
    lol scooby...whoever told you that is a moron. Think of it this way. If you load of syringe up with say 250mg of test E and shoot it through a small guage needle into your muscle and you get ALL the liquid out of the syringe. If the test cant get through the needle then where is it??????? 250 mg is alot of substance....measure it out some time, you would notice it if it got stuck in the syringe.

    If you had all day you could shoot juice through a 30 guage insulin pin if it were long enough to make it to the muscle. The reason bb's choose to use 21-25 guage pins is because they are tolerable in both pain and injection time. I know i wouldnt want to take 10 minutes to inject 2 cc's into my glute, i can hardly stand to be all twisted up for the 45 seconds it takes me now!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by scooby122884
    I heard that if you use too small of a needle that the suspended test.(e) will not fit through the Lumen(inside of the needle, bore) is this BS or is there some actual truth behind this theory. I have shot prop. with a 28g 1/2" in my deltoids, however the only drawback is that it takes FOR-EVER to withdraw from the vial and also is slow for injecting(of course). What do you all think/know-plz give so background to what you state so I do not get second hand BS from a unknown source that thought it souded intellegent. I love this place.
    Bumb what DoctaBig said, first. Second, I just wanted to say that if you want to draw out your oil faster you can always switch tips with a larger size neegle, say 21g. It makes a HUGE difference. It's like turning on a water faucet. Give it a try some time.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004

    I forgot to post that I was going to say that of course it doesn't make sense,(I find it easier to doubt myself rather than others)- I knew it was a dumbass noob question to ask but still I couldn't resist- thanks for putting up with me guys-

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Forty shades of green
    You just cleared something up for me bro thanx.

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctaBig
    lol scooby...whoever told you that is a moron. Think of it this way. If you load of syringe up with say 250mg of test E and shoot it through a small guage needle into your muscle and you get ALL the liquid out of the syringe. If the test cant get through the needle then where is it??????? 250 mg is alot of substance....measure it out some time, you would notice it if it got stuck in the syringe.

    If you had all day you could shoot juice through a 30 guage insulin pin if it were long enough to make it to the muscle. The reason bb's choose to use 21-25 guage pins is because they are tolerable in both pain and injection time. I know i wouldnt want to take 10 minutes to inject 2 cc's into my glute, i can hardly stand to be all twisted up for the 45 seconds it takes me now!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell
    no prob guys......hey scooby, no such thing as a dumb question bro!!!! Trust me, everybody asks a bunch of these kind of questions, that's what the board is here for.
    Just dont ask if you can drink winny!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office
    Quote Originally Posted by statuZ
    is it okay if i use 25 guage 1 inchers in my quads isntad of 23guage 1 inch when using tesostoerone and eq. oh yeh and how fast should i be sticking the needle in becusae it usually takes me 30 secodns to get the needle fully in? thanks, will the 25 guage also work for shoulders?
    I use 23 g 1 1/2 I quickly pierce the skin, takes no longer than 3 seconds to get it in.

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