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Ok before you say anything yes I have done my research, but am looking for more opinions/clarification/experiences.
I have read the educational threads, including Hooker's the mods thread. I have searched the steroid forum and also the members cycles too.
I have found lots of good info. Still a few questions though which I haven;t been able to answer.
1. The clen I can get may be out of date. Will find out later today if it is or isn't. If it is, is there any particular time after expiry that would make it less effective, say 6 months after etc.
2. I have read to take clen for 1 week on 1 week off, two weeks on two weeks off, and in hookers thread i believe about 6 weeks. What is the consensus? This will be my first cycle of clen, actually first cycle of anything to date.
3. Exactly how much taurine and potassium should one take to supplement when on? Also where do you get them? I have never seen them as supps. Would Red Bulls and bananas suffice?
4. Is there anything that can be taken with Clen to produce better results? I can't get ephridrene, or cytomel, so anything else?
5. Can you do more exercise than usual and still maintain muscle mass, or just do regular cardio?
6. I have read that it may give slight mass and strength increases. Is this individual (mental) or is this fact going on other's experiences?
7. I am getting it in powdered form. What is it best to mix with? Protein shake, juice, etc.
8. When you start upping the dosages, do you space them out throughout the course of the day, or take it all in one hit? If you can do either, which one is the better/more effective way?
9. I hear people getting the shakes etc as part of it. Are shakes expected as par for the course, but not too much? When do you if you are taking too much, or you will just know?
10. Does body mass (lean or not) have any basis on the total dosage you use? Or each person reacts differently? I am 125kgs, and would imagine 25% body fat. Will get that checked before I start and keep a cycle diary which I will post. being bigger, does this mean I might need more mcg a day? On the other hand I don't even take so much as aspirin/panadol etc, and find when i do I feel the effects.
11. Can I start my creatine cycle while on this, or am I defeating the purpose, doing two things which are counteracting each other?
Thank you for your time.
I am going to start with the obligatory 20mcg a day then up it every day @20mcg to about 200mcg if that is sufficient. Cycle length will depend on the answers I receive here. Will be taking tribulus as well.