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  1. #1
    tubbytank's Avatar
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    Exclamation Clenbuterol Questions

    Ok before you say anything yes I have done my research, but am looking for more opinions/clarification/experiences.

    I have read the educational threads, including Hooker's the mods thread. I have searched the steroid forum and also the members cycles too.

    I have found lots of good info. Still a few questions though which I haven;t been able to answer.

    1. The clen I can get may be out of date. Will find out later today if it is or isn't. If it is, is there any particular time after expiry that would make it less effective, say 6 months after etc.

    2. I have read to take clen for 1 week on 1 week off, two weeks on two weeks off, and in hookers thread i believe about 6 weeks. What is the consensus? This will be my first cycle of clen, actually first cycle of anything to date.

    3. Exactly how much taurine and potassium should one take to supplement when on? Also where do you get them? I have never seen them as supps. Would Red Bulls and bananas suffice?

    4. Is there anything that can be taken with Clen to produce better results? I can't get ephridrene, or cytomel , so anything else?

    5. Can you do more exercise than usual and still maintain muscle mass, or just do regular cardio?

    6. I have read that it may give slight mass and strength increases. Is this individual (mental) or is this fact going on other's experiences?

    7. I am getting it in powdered form. What is it best to mix with? Protein shake, juice, etc.

    8. When you start upping the dosages, do you space them out throughout the course of the day, or take it all in one hit? If you can do either, which one is the better/more effective way?

    9. I hear people getting the shakes etc as part of it. Are shakes expected as par for the course, but not too much? When do you if you are taking too much, or you will just know?

    10. Does body mass (lean or not) have any basis on the total dosage you use? Or each person reacts differently? I am 125kgs, and would imagine 25% body fat. Will get that checked before I start and keep a cycle diary which I will post. being bigger, does this mean I might need more mcg a day? On the other hand I don't even take so much as aspirin/panadol etc, and find when i do I feel the effects.

    11. Can I start my creatine cycle while on this, or am I defeating the purpose, doing two things which are counteracting each other?

    Thank you for your time.

    I am going to start with the obligatory 20mcg a day then up it every day @20mcg to about 200mcg if that is sufficient. Cycle length will depend on the answers I receive here. Will be taking tribulus as well.

  2. #2
    tubbytank's Avatar
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  3. #3
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tubbytank
    Ok before you say anything yes I have done my research, but am looking for more opinions/clarification/experiences.

    I have read the educational threads, including Hooker's the mods thread. I have searched the steroid forum and also the members cycles too.

    I have found lots of good info. Still a few questions though which I haven;t been able to answer.

    1. The clen I can get may be out of date. Will find out later today if it is or isn't. If it is, is there any particular time after expiry that would make it less effective, say 6 months after etc.

    2. I have read to take clen for 1 week on 1 week off, two weeks on two weeks off, and in hookers thread i believe about 6 weeks. What is the consensus? This will be my first cycle of clen, actually first cycle of anything to date.

    3. Exactly how much taurine and potassium should one take to supplement when on? Also where do you get them? I have never seen them as supps. Would Red Bulls and bananas suffice?

    4. Is there anything that can be taken with Clen to produce better results? I can't get ephridrene, or cytomel , so anything else?

    5. Can you do more exercise than usual and still maintain muscle mass, or just do regular cardio?

    6. I have read that it may give slight mass and strength increases. Is this individual (mental) or is this fact going on other's experiences?

    7. I am getting it in powdered form. What is it best to mix with? Protein shake, juice, etc.

    8. When you start upping the dosages, do you space them out throughout the course of the day, or take it all in one hit? If you can do either, which one is the better/more effective way?

    9. I hear people getting the shakes etc as part of it. Are shakes expected as par for the course, but not too much? When do you if you are taking too much, or you will just know?

    10. Does body mass (lean or not) have any basis on the total dosage you use? Or each person reacts differently? I am 125kgs, and would imagine 25% body fat. Will get that checked before I start and keep a cycle diary which I will post. being bigger, does this mean I might need more mcg a day? On the other hand I don't even take so much as aspirin/panadol etc, and find when i do I feel the effects.

    11. Can I start my creatine cycle while on this, or am I defeating the purpose, doing two things which are counteracting each other?

    Thank you for your time.

    I am going to start with the obligatory 20mcg a day then up it every day @20mcg to about 200mcg if that is sufficient. Cycle length will depend on the answers I receive here. Will be taking tribulus as well.
    ill answer the ones i think i have some idea on for ya bro...
    1. with clen being so cheap why not get some stuff that is still good? im sure it won;t be too weakend if it is out dated but i personally wouldn;t bother using it when you can get like 60 ML of it for like 25-30 bucks.

    2.if you use something which upregulates the beta receptors (ie benedryl, as stated by hooker, or ketofen (sp) then you can run your cycles a little longer.) i think a lot of people, myself included go with the 2 on 2 off with an eca in the off weeks, but that is just done to keep receptors fresh, with this new info about the bendryl i think i may try the 6 week way.

    3. somewhere in the clen handbook i know there is dosing for the clen and taurine.. i knew the dose when i did my first clen cycle, but i forgot them as of now... i think it's something like 3-5 Grams of taurine and like 300 potassium (im pretty sure on that taurine dose but the potassium i think im off on a bit) As far as red bulls are concerened someone figured it out and it was some outrageous numberl ike 9 red bulls a day or some **** which leads to a ton of caffeine..... bananas are a good supplemement fro the potassium but i would still use pills because there just isn;t enough in a banana....

    4. An eca can be run in the off weeks to continue to burn fat while off of the clen. I personally wouldn;t run much else with clen it works pretty good on it's own and it's a little harsh on the system so i dont mix stuff with it...

    5. Although clen is deemed to be somewhat anti catabolic i wouldn;t push it too much, im sure there is still some muscle loss while using it. I would just do your normal cardio 30-1hour of cardio a day... Also don;t take the clen too close to your cardio or you might experience shortness of breath which kills the whole sessions.

    6. this issue is up in the air.. it seems to be an individual thing. i personally didn;t gain any strength while on it but i didn;t lose any either which is nice.

    7. I've never heard of powdered clen.. like i said earlier why not just get some liquid, it makes life so much easier. with powder you are going to have to weight it out every time to know you get the right dose.

    8. split the dose up. figure you dont want to take it after 3 or 4 so divide your dose evenly from the time you get up

    9.shakes are common. you know you have too much cause you will get headaches and bad shakes... basically if you take too much at once you'll know it cause you just feel kind of ****ty.

    10. size plays a little role in it... obviously someone smaller will feel a lesser dose sooner then someone bigger. Start out slow with the clen.. take 40- 60 mcg the first day then slowly work your way up till the sides are just tolerable. if you go too far you'll feel it and know to cut it down slightly the next day.. basically you run a dose till you no longer feel the effects the same then up it again.

    11. I woudn;t use the creatine during just because it will add water weight to you and the whole point of clen is to lose weight (which it will still do just wont be as noticeable since the creatine will add weight. I'd do the clen first then do the creatine after.
    also for your last art i would start at AT LEAST 40 mcg.. i really didn;t feel too much till i got to 60-80 mcg and im 6'1' 235.... but everyone is different so don;t just start at that cause that;s what worked for me... id say go with 40 mcg though to start (you can even go 60 since you dose will be divided. after your first two doses, youll know if you can handle another one but if you want to play it safe then 40 would be a good base point.)
    Last edited by magicstick2003; 11-13-2004 at 03:10 AM.

  4. #4
    tubbytank's Avatar
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    Thanks for the comprehensive reply magic. Much appreciated. No one has responded to date.

    I gather from what you said that you notice the effects of clen straight away? Am taking that on the fact you say take 40mcg in a split and you'll know if you can take more later.

    Clen does come in powder form, and that bucket is all I can get access to. Am in australia and things are hard to come by nowadays. Most of my sources had never even heard of clen. Can;t get eca either.

    With the two weeks on, two weeks off, in the steroid profiles it states this will make you crash at the end. I know the profiles are old, so you don;t experience a crash with two weeks on?

    With regards to what to take it with, I asked that because am wondering if I take it with protein shake (milk) whether that hinders absorbtion? I would like to know that if I take 20mcg that is what is being utilised.

    Am getting some gram scales so weighing it won't be a problem.

  5. #5
    magicstick2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tubbytank
    Thanks for the comprehensive reply magic. Much appreciated. No one has responded to date.

    I gather from what you said that you notice the effects of clen straight away? Am taking that on the fact you say take 40mcg in a split and you'll know if you can take more later.

    Clen does come in powder form, and that bucket is all I can get access to. Am in australia and things are hard to come by nowadays. Most of my sources had never even heard of clen. Can;t get eca either.

    With the two weeks on, two weeks off, in the steroid profiles it states this will make you crash at the end. I know the profiles are old, so you don;t experience a crash with two weeks on?

    With regards to what to take it with, I asked that because am wondering if I take it with protein shake (milk) whether that hinders absorbtion? I would like to know that if I take 20mcg that is what is being utilised.

    Am getting some gram scales so weighing it won't be a problem.
    i noticed the clen pretty soon... either the first or second day i started to feel the shakes and such..hmm if you can;t get any eca then i think i would go with hooker's model of 4-6 weeks on but i would take bendryl at night to upregulate the receptors and keep them somewhat "fresh" that way you can get the most out of it since if you take 2on 2off you wont be losing in the 2off weeks because you won;t be taking anything.. by the way i never noticed a so called crash with it... in fact im not even sure i know what you're talking about in terms a of a crash.. Just remember to take your potassium and taurine a few days after you finish up because the effects linger around a few days (at least for me they did, im refering to cramps and such not the shakes or anything)
    I just usually take my clen with some water but then again i have the liquid kinda. but i dont see why that would matter a whole lot. just get it down it will ger absorbed.
    Also you gotta make sure the scale is very accurate because clen is usually mesaured in MCG not MG or G... if you have a gram scale just make sure it goes out far enough )decimal wise)

  6. #6
    tubbytank's Avatar
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    ahh yes good point about the gram scale. That I will do.

    The crash i refer to is apparently because it is such a stimulant that when you come off you experience lethargy as opposed to what you were before. But one would imagine if you taper off you would not experience this. As I said the steroid profiles are old.

    Am off to work now. Wil lthink up some more questions tonight i'm sure.

    thanks for the help. Oh and where do you get the taurine and ptassium supps from. NEver seen them before.

  7. #7
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    Magicstick got to it before me....the only thing I disagree with is his answer to #4, since ECA will downgrade beta-receptors just like clen . Also, his answer to #12 is correct, but not for the reason he gives.

  8. #8
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    no.12 ?????

  9. #9
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    you'd better have a FUKKING accurate scale man... you do NOT want to overdose on clen

    get your diet straightened out for this cycle too man

  10. #10
    tubbytank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magicstick2003
    3. somewhere in the clen handbook i know there is dosing for the clen and taurine.. i knew the dose when i did my first clen cycle, but i forgot them as of now... i think it's something like 3-5 Grams of taurine and like 300 potassium (im pretty sure on that taurine dose but the potassium i think im off on a bit) As far as red bulls are concerened someone figured it out and it was some outrageous numberl ike 9 red bulls a day or some **** which leads to a ton of caffeine..... bananas are a good supplemement fro the potassium but i would still use pills because there just isn;t enough in a banana....

    I read the side of a Red Bull can tonight and it has 1000mg per can. Thus you would need about 3-5 cans not 9. This should be ok if you only need the three cans - 3grams of taurine to stop cramps.
    Just wondering if this supposed 9 cans a day is because your body can;t utilise the taurine effectively in this fashion, say like you get better results from injecting b12 than taking orally, or am i just talking crap?

  11. #11
    Jtt23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tubbytank
    I read the side of a Red Bull can tonight and it has 1000mg per can. Thus you would need about 3-5 cans not 9. This should be ok if you only need the three cans - 3grams of taurine to stop cramps.
    Just wondering if this supposed 9 cans a day is because your body can;t utilise the taurine effectively in this fashion, say like you get better results from injecting b12 than taking orally, or am i just talking crap?

    Just go to your local nutrition center and pick up some taurine in pill form. Why take in all of that extra caffinee and sugar if you dont have to???

  12. #12
    tubbytank's Avatar
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    am getting some taurine ordered in, just that I work in a bar, and can drink all the red bulls i want. Plus was thinking the caffeine would be an extra boost to the metabolism.
    I have never used anything before at all like this, and guess i don;t know what to expect. But any boost to fat loss would be good. I would imagine if clen were that good everyone would be ripped to shreds, hence my thinking the extra caffeine boost would be ok.

  13. #13
    Cuttup's Avatar
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    Here and there
    dogg, you gotta get rid of that avartar, its killing me.

  14. #14
    randumb is offline Junior Member
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    Here are some answers based on my experience:

    2. 2 weeks off/2 weeks on is how I cycled it, worked great.

    6. Whenever I am on Clen , I notice that all of my gains go up. It appears to have a mild steroidal effect on my body. First time I did it (2 weeks on) my lifts all went up 10-15lbs and I lost almost 20lbs (probably 1/4 was water weight). Not sure if it added any mass, but it definitely made my muscles a little harder.

    7. I always use the liquid form. If I had the powder, I'd probably use water, or orange juice if the taste was nasty.

    8. I've heard that spacing the doses out works more effectively, but I've always taken the entire dosage at one time. I would usually wake up 2 hours before I had to get up for the day, take my dosage, then go back to sleep. I noticed this helps avoid most of the side effects for the day, as they usually come on early for me.

    9. Yes, shakes are very common, but moreso in the first few days. After about 4-7 days my body got used to it and I didn't have any tremors.

    11. I took creatine during my last cycle and I am not sure if it had any counteractive effects or not. I didn't lose as much fat as I wanted (because I didn't keep my calories low enough) but my strength went up a lot and I did lose some of my belly. I believe diet would have more of an effect on the Clen than creatine would.

  15. #15
    tubbytank's Avatar
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    Randumb, thanks for your info. Was very informative.

    Cuttup - I can't get rid of him. He is the coolest dude I have ever seen.

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