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  1. #1
    repeatoffender's Avatar
    repeatoffender is offline Junior Member
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    How Much Test to run?

    Hey everyone, I'm about to do a cycle of Test E. My weight is currently 162 lbs. at approx. 8% bodyfat. I will run Nolvadex throughout and clomid 2 weeks after last shot.
    I've heard some people tell me to do 300 mg. per week and others say 500. I have plenty of Test but I'm unsure how much to do since I keep getting different opinions.
    I was thinking of doing it for 12 weeks. I have a friend who did it and got great results but lost all gains. Any hints on how to keep them?
    Thanx all

  2. #2
    tycin's Avatar
    tycin is offline Anabolic Member
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    id run it at 500mg/week, with a good clean diet u will get good gains.

    as for keeping it thats all on ur pct. if u do it properly u can keep most of wut u gain besides the water.

  3. #3
    youknowme's Avatar
    youknowme is offline Member
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    I'd go with Tycin...400-500mg/week for a first cycle...
    Good luck!

  4. #4
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    Lost his gains? Well then he didnt due the proper pct. Yes you do lose water weight maybe hes confused. Well my first cycle was test E for 12 weeks and it was great!! I used 200mg 2wice weekly and mon- thursday shot routine!
    300 to 500 is perfect! My only point is why take 500 600mg when you can get the same results from 300!!

  5. #5
    repeatoffender's Avatar
    repeatoffender is offline Junior Member
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    Exactly right. He didn't do PCT. Lost almost everything too. I will make sure to do it, hopefully I'll keep most of the gains aside from water. Gonna run No Xplode Creatine with it too cuz that works like a charm for me. I'll probably do around 400 per week and see what happens. Thanx for the input I can always count on this board to help out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The more the better...

    Testosterone is a relatively safe steroid to use, with some studies showing no adverse effects from 20weeks at 600mgs/week!


    (Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2003 Jan 7; [epub ahead of print] "Development of Models to Predict Anabolic Response to Testosterone Administration in Healthy Young Men." )

    Since you can run up to 600mgs per week with hardly any (if any) adverse effects....for 20 weeks...I have no hesitation reccomending that you use 500mgs per week for your 12week cycle.

    Proper PCT and such will help you keep your gains.

  7. #7
    Dimes's Avatar
    Dimes is offline Senior Member
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    Go with 500mg a week, since it is easier to keep track off and follow, plus you will have slightly better gains and strngth at a safe dosage.

  8. #8
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by repeatoffender
    Exactly right. He didn't do PCT. Lost almost everything too. I will make sure to do it, hopefully I'll keep most of the gains aside from water. Gonna run No Xplode Creatine with it too cuz that works like a charm for me. I'll probably do around 400 per week and see what happens. Thanx for the input I can always count on this board to help out.
    Idea is when you are done with steroids , you need to get your natural production back up high as fast as possible, because having zero or low testosterone afterwards can have the reverse effect that the high testosterone had. The best way to get your testosterone levels back up high as the day after your final injection, start taking tongkat ali. 2 weeks after your last injection take 10 to 20 days of clomid. Continue the tongkat ali for 2 full months. This should leave you with more testosterone naturally then you even started your cycle with, fully recovered and keeping 90% of your gains. Actually light weight guys like you in the 160 pound range have a very high likelihood to keep most of your gains permanently whereas the heavyweight guys trying to get more weight then their genes will allow find it extremely difficult to keep gains off cycle. The high likelihood to keep gains only applies if you have had 2 years or more of very serious gym training and plan to continue after the cycle. If you are a relative newcomer to weight lifting, like only done it 3 months to 1 year, you are sure to loose everything and possible more then you started with.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 11-14-2004 at 01:58 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I would say 500mg/week just because I hear thats a good lvl, I will be doing 600mg/week of test cyp on my next cycle, but I think my natural test is low anyway


  10. #10
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    500mg a week for 10 weeks
    Last edited by Ejuicer; 11-15-2004 at 07:06 PM.

  11. #11
    repeatoffender's Avatar
    repeatoffender is offline Junior Member
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    NtpaDude, thanks a lot for all the info. I will definitely do what you say. I have been lifting consistently for 5 years, except a few times when I suffered injuries that sidelined me for a month or so. Basically I've been doin five years lifting with the last year very heavy. Also, I've pushed my weight to the max I can with eating many meals and so on. I think now is the perfect time to add the juice to really put on some mass. Thanx again.

  12. #12
    FRANk THe TANk's Avatar
    FRANk THe TANk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    start taking tongkat ali. .
    what the hel is that???

  13. #13
    FRANk THe TANk's Avatar
    FRANk THe TANk is offline Associate Member
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    btw im runnin test e at only 250 a week for ten weeks i jsut did shot # 2 minutes ago, hope it all works out

  14. #14
    tycin's Avatar
    tycin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRANk THe TANk
    what the hel is that???

    tongkat ali is to get ur natural test up and running agian, like a test booster.

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