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Thread: Test Prop or Enathate ?

  1. #1

    Test Prop or Enathate ?

    I am 240 lbs 15% bodyfat, going for my first STACK cycle.

    Eq 600mg/1-16 weeks
    Test Prop or Enathate 400mg/ 1-12 weeks
    Winny 350mg/10-16 weeks
    Clem 100mcg/10-16 weeks (daily buildup/5 days on 2 off)
    Proviron 25mg ed/ 1-19 weeks
    clomid/ 100mg ed week 17/ 50 mg ed weeks 18-20

    I am still trying to weigh the Prop versus the E. I have never tried either and I hear the daily injects of prop are a pain, but because I am somewhat new to test I should try it since it is manable and safer, and if problems occur I can stop immediately.

    Enathate however I can inject once a week since it's longer ester, but it is less safe and if something goes wrong I have to deal with it for awhile.

    Just wanted to ask the experts what they think of for this newbie's stack...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    how many cycles have you done before? being that you never tried enanthate or prop, did you use cyp?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    personally I would do the test e, and front load it with the prop, maybe 4 weeks of prop with the Enathate by then the E will kick in good and you can drop the prop

  4. #4
    I've done deca at 400mg/12 weeks with good results and almost no side effects. That was last summer 2003.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Enanthate needs to be injected twice a week to maintain consistant blood levels. I would go with the Enanthate if you are not that expericanced poking your self. It gets to be a chore trying to figure out where you have hit and need to hit with daily injections.

    Your cycle is all out of wack. I would look into how to cycle those drugs before starting that cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    First of all I wanna change your cycle, Test should always be ran longer then EQ IMO and also higher. So if you wanna run EQ 600mg at 16 weeks you better bump the test up to 17 weeks and 700mg. But then you'll need HCG as well...
    Get rid of those clen and use 'em after PCT.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    You'll find many threads about EQ and Test...use the search button. For a test newbie I'd recommend Test Enanthate over Test Propionate due to the ED injections but there's a first for everything...

  8. #8
    i've been on E for a couple months and am holding mad water.
    i'm switching to Cyp.
    (tid bit of info for you when making your decision).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pork Chop
    i've been on E for a couple months and am holding mad water.
    i'm switching to Cyp.
    (tid bit of info for you when making your decision).
    Cypionate and Enantahte are almost identical. Some say to add on more water on Cyp even... Keep going on Test E

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by youknowme
    Cypionate and Enantahte are almost identical. Some say to add on more water on Cyp even... Keep going on Test E
    for me there was a difference. i was 2 months cyp.. then E.. i'm going back Cyp.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Puerto Rico
    Test E!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    frontload with the prop for 4 weeks until the Test E kicks in. im currently running something similar, eod prop injections hurt like a motherf88ker tho. i can barely use my right arm after my delt poke yesterday

  13. #13

    Just want to maintain muscle, lose fat

    The reason I am running the test at a lower rate then the eq is simple. I'm already a big guy. I weigh nearly 250 lbs. I don't want to bulk up, just get ripped. But I know that no cycle is complete without test so I figured just add some muscle, but make the most of leans gains and get ripped. Because of dieting and cardio I don't want to lose any mass, so I figure during this cycle I can LEAST 10 lbs of solid muscle ( More then enough for my frame) and lose about 15 lbs of fat.

    Will post pics soon.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    i'd still run the test higher and take some arimidex ED to keep the bloat down. nolva ED will help that too.

  15. #15
    I got the proviron to help me with the side effects, going to have nolvadex on the side (probably overkill) just in case. Another reason I wasn't going to take more then 12 weeks is cause I am a virgin to Test, and since I already had such good results with Deca alone, I felt that to much test for to long would be greedy. Next cycle (depending on success rate of this one) I'll bump it up a notch.

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